Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Some Christmas Decor

I have been soooo busy, I have really been neglecting blogging. But I don't have time with working two jobs.

I have been doing a little crafting, but everything is laying there half finished. I miss stopping by your blogs

and leaving comments. But I do read them and smile and think of my prim friends often.

Here are a few photo's of my decorating and then off to work. Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have been really sick this week and it is my year to have Thanksgiving dinner, my sisters and I take turns.

Well finally last evening I started feeling a little better, so my turkey is in the oven and I am ready to roll.

 I want to wish all of my prim friends a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving Day.

 I have so much to be thankful for my religious freedom, my family, my jobs, my home, and my prim friends,

this is just naming a few things, I could go on and on and  on.

  My daughter is the most awesome mommy, I am showing a picture of a craft that she did

with Cole and Riley yesterday! Aren't these the cutest turkeys made out of apples.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011


November 17th. was Ronnie and my 32 Anniversary. Wow, where have the years gone, we grew up

together. He He We were both 20 when we got married, I had barely been out of the state of WV.

He was in the army stationed at Fort Belvoir, Va. We were married 3 months before we could save

up enough money for down payments and rent to get an apartment. And the first week, we ate a cheese gift

set that his grandma sent us for Christmas.  I was such a naive country girl when we got married, I remember

one time we were invited to a party.

  Well it was a party like I had never attended before. There was drinking and other things I won't mention,

but you have to rem. that was the seventies man.

 Well I looked at my husband and said that I didn't like that party , where in the world was the cake

and ice cream. He He Being in the army he had been exposed to the world more than I had.

  Now look at us, we have 2 grown children and 3 beautiful grandbabies!! I have so much

to be thank for for. We went from a roach infested pink appliances apartment to a home of our own,

nothing fancy but our part of the American dream.

 Well hubby sent me some flowers for our anniversary and we went to a little country inn for dinner, We had

a relaxing evening.

 Would I marry Ronnie again, yes I would in a heartbeat, do I have any regrets. Well yes I do,

I used to love the Bee Gee's,( you young girls won't know who I am talking about). They came

to D.C. for a concert when my hubby was in the army. We didn't have money to go to the concert, but do

I ever regret not going to see them. I should have borrowed the money. He He

Anniversary flowers

Ronnie and I

My son Luke

My daughter Stephanie with my grandson Jake

Miss Riley, my granddaughter

My SIL and Cole my precious grandson

My other precious Grandson, Jake

Since my Lilly girl had died several months ago, Ronnie's brother has given us his shelty, Bo, he is a new addition to our family.
So much to be thankful for. And I feel like I am a little wisher now to the world. He He
And Ronnie I hope we have another 32 years together.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I am the Winner!!!

I am just soooo excited. I just found out that I am the winner of  "Old Road Primitives" $50.00 gift certificate

giveaway to celebrate 500 followers. Wow, I will be like a little kid on Christmas morning  deciding

what to pick for my gift. I will love everything, I especially love Kim's things with mice.

Oh, well I love everything that she makes. Thank you Kim for having such a wonderful giveaway!

I am beyond thrilled.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Working on Chrismas things

I am putting some of my goodies in a lady's shop for her Christmas open house.

I sure hope something sells, I have been working soooo hard. I am quite proud of my goodies.

Have a great day and I will post more soon. Lecia

The snowgirl and snowman are "Bittersweetfolkart"  patterns, I just added the scarf and hat to the girl.

My brainstorm

My creations

Friday, November 4, 2011

My new creations

  I have been working very hard making prim Christmas goodies.

My one friend is going to let me put a few things in her prim shop for Christmas open house,

if no one wants them, I sure have alot of Christmas gifts. He He

  Awhile back my prim friend Pam http://basketsnprims.blogspot.com/ sent me an awesome bag

of sheep wool that I used for my doll's hair and Santa's beards. Thank you Pam, you are a

wonderful prim friend.

I used patterns by, Bittersweet Folk Art

Threadbare primitives

Bittersweet folk art

You will have to overlook the candy corn, but Santa
likes that too!

Pineberry Lane Primitives

Tennessee Ridge Primitives

Bittersweet folk art patterns

Bittersweet folk art pattern

My Primitive Saltbox

I have just about worked myself silly. I have been down with my back all week,

I am getting the hint that I better slow down a little since I am not 25 anymore,

darn I hate being 26. He He