Friday, November 4, 2011

My new creations

  I have been working very hard making prim Christmas goodies.

My one friend is going to let me put a few things in her prim shop for Christmas open house,

if no one wants them, I sure have alot of Christmas gifts. He He

  Awhile back my prim friend Pam sent me an awesome bag

of sheep wool that I used for my doll's hair and Santa's beards. Thank you Pam, you are a

wonderful prim friend.

I used patterns by, Bittersweet Folk Art

Threadbare primitives

Bittersweet folk art

You will have to overlook the candy corn, but Santa
likes that too!

Pineberry Lane Primitives

Tennessee Ridge Primitives

Bittersweet folk art patterns

Bittersweet folk art pattern

My Primitive Saltbox

I have just about worked myself silly. I have been down with my back all week,

I am getting the hint that I better slow down a little since I am not 25 anymore,

darn I hate being 26. He He


  1. Love, love, love it all. You won't have anything left, you'll have to start all over for Christmas gifts!

  2. Oh I love all of them. You sure have been a busy gal. All that sewing at the machine probably put your back out, but it sure is worth it. Just look at all the nice prim goodies for the shop. And if they don't sell, but they probably will, you will have a jump start on your Christmas gifts.
    Great job
    Country at heart

  3. My goodness Lecia, you have been busy! I love everything you've made and I meant to comment back on your last post about the darling snowman hats! They are awesome, awesome. I'm working my way there as I have a few to decorate. Today was a good day for me creating and shipping out! Wish I had more days like today. Been kinda rough lately but we do plug along don't we? I sure hope your things sell for you. You've done an outstanding job. Seems I remember a shy girl that said she didn't do much in the way of crafting, hmm, you sure caught up fast and doing a wonderful job too!
    Slow down a bit and give that back a rest.

  4. I see the first Santa..and my tummy does a flip flop and I say to myself (myself because I'm actually home all alone, which is very rare) OMG I LOVE him...then I see the next, and the next...I LOVE all the Santas. If you have any left they can most CERTAINLY come live at my house for Christmas!!

  5. Yeah...26 is rough, LOL!!!! Love them all, so sweet and festive! Hope you have a wonderful weekend;)

  6. dang woman you have been busy..which is what I should be the glittery snowmen..have a great weekend..:)

  7. Lecia,
    Love everything!! Hope you sell out. I have the snowman made from the Bittersweet Folkart pattern. A blogging friend gave me one when we exchanged Christmas gifts last year.
    Sorry about your back...but I really feel your pain! My back is slowly getting better, but my knee is still causing me problems.
    Have a great weekend.

  8. Wow Lecia: I can't believe all the delicious prims that you've been busy making!! Great job on all of them. Hope your back feels better.

  9. ya got me even more worried about ya!! Slow down!! All your stuff you have made is awesome so just relax now please??


  10. Honey, they are all beautiful! Your work is impeccable. Just prim-perfect, my friend!

  11. Wowsers Girlfriend - you go!!! Love all your creations - and there's a bunch of them! Would take me a lifetime to produce that many goodies! I'm sure you will do splendidly at the shop - but if I were lucky enough to be on your gift list, I'd be wishing otherwise! ;o) Wising you a blessing-filled weekend - and hoping your back gets better...I so know your pain....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  12. Awesome goodies!
    You sure have been busy.
    Send me over a little of your energy, please.

  13. Lecia Girlfriend!
    Now wonder your having back troubles and working two or three jobs. Prayin for ya friend.But goodness you are sooo talented. I love it all but mad for plaid. love the plaid santa and if he is left after your sale. I get paid mid NOV!
    Hugs Trace

  14. Wow Lecia, you have been a busy bee. Love all your creating!I'm sure you'll sell all at the show. You best take care of that back.

  15. OH my goodness. You have been busy!!! Your creations have such personalities. I love that Santa holding a reindeer. It's cute that he is wearing "normal" clothes. The beards look awesome too with the sheep's wool. Good job. -Steph-

  16. Holy wow gal! You're on a roll, as smooth as butta babe :o) I love the snowman head bobbles with the shines. You're really good at this hon.


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