Monday, November 21, 2011


November 17th. was Ronnie and my 32 Anniversary. Wow, where have the years gone, we grew up

together. He He We were both 20 when we got married, I had barely been out of the state of WV.

He was in the army stationed at Fort Belvoir, Va. We were married 3 months before we could save

up enough money for down payments and rent to get an apartment. And the first week, we ate a cheese gift

set that his grandma sent us for Christmas.  I was such a naive country girl when we got married, I remember

one time we were invited to a party.

  Well it was a party like I had never attended before. There was drinking and other things I won't mention,

but you have to rem. that was the seventies man.

 Well I looked at my husband and said that I didn't like that party , where in the world was the cake

and ice cream. He He Being in the army he had been exposed to the world more than I had.

  Now look at us, we have 2 grown children and 3 beautiful grandbabies!! I have so much

to be thank for for. We went from a roach infested pink appliances apartment to a home of our own,

nothing fancy but our part of the American dream.

 Well hubby sent me some flowers for our anniversary and we went to a little country inn for dinner, We had

a relaxing evening.

 Would I marry Ronnie again, yes I would in a heartbeat, do I have any regrets. Well yes I do,

I used to love the Bee Gee's,( you young girls won't know who I am talking about). They came

to D.C. for a concert when my hubby was in the army. We didn't have money to go to the concert, but do

I ever regret not going to see them. I should have borrowed the money. He He

Anniversary flowers

Ronnie and I

My son Luke

My daughter Stephanie with my grandson Jake

Miss Riley, my granddaughter

My SIL and Cole my precious grandson

My other precious Grandson, Jake

Since my Lilly girl had died several months ago, Ronnie's brother has given us his shelty, Bo, he is a new addition to our family.
So much to be thankful for. And I feel like I am a little wisher now to the world. He He
And Ronnie I hope we have another 32 years together.


  1. Happy Anniversary! Loved the story about the party!!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Oh, the BeeGees - I was going to grow up and marry one of them! I had a poster of them on my bedroom wall in the 70's. My kids think it is hysterical when I tell them this. If we play "guess who sings this song" on the radio and no one can guess, I tell them it is my future husband..... ~Ann

  3. Lecia ~ don't the years fly by? It sounds like the two of you had a wonderful anniversary celebration. Wishing you many more & I remember the Bee Gees.

  4. Lecia, WOW!!! Congrats on 32 & to 32 more!!!!!
    Love your snowmen on the bed springs! Great job!!!

    Bo looks right at home!!!!
    Thanks for the comments on my cabinets...all they need someday is those wood counters! have a great turkey day! OLM

  5. Happy Anniversary and Congratulations on 32 years...I too wish you 32 more happy years together....and then some


  6. Happy Anniversary! Beautiful family. I wish you and your HB more cheerful days together to enjoy them with kids.

  7. Happy belated anniversary to you and Ronnie, Lecia...what a wonderful love story the two of you are weaving. The Bee Gees? That was the first concert I ever went to! Woo Hoo!! Wishing you a wonderful holiday week....Smiles & Thanksgiving Hugs ~ Robin

  8. Congratulations sweet lady! May you be blessed with 32 more. How sweet of your hubs to send flowers and yes this old gal remembers the BeeGees quite well. One of my favs from the '70's too! Loved the story. Time does fly.

  9. Happy Anniversary!! I wish you many more happy years together.
    My huuby and I have been married for 32 years too.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  10. Happy Anniversary to you both and congrats!! Great pictures!


  11. What a wonderful post. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby! I'm still giggling over the cake and ice cream!!! Ahhh...the BeeJees..I do remember them! The Gibb boys! My sister and I use to pretend we were married to them! You truly have a beautiful family Lecia. Congratulations again...on 32 years! Katie

  12. Happy Anniversay.. Lovely Photo of you and Ronnie such a happy couple..Wishing you many more happy years... Bo is adorable dog .. Such
    sweet grandkids, Wishing you and your family
    a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with blessings
    Have a great Weekend
    Hugs Ladybug :-)

  13. Happy Anniversary!!!
    Thanks for sharing some of your wonderful memories and beautiful pics!
    I hope you have many more years of happiness together.
    Prim Blessings

  14. How wonderful!!! Happy anniversary! You have a gorgeous family and your hubby sure knows how to pick out flowers, those are stunning!

  15. Happy belated anniversary!! So many things to be thankful for! Hope this is the start of a great year #33. :)
    And I do remember the Bee Gees :)

  16. Oh Lecia Happy Anniversary! Yes so much to be thankful for..Beautiful family,Nice home and you are so talanted.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  17. Happy Anniversary to you both , wishing you many many more ! I just love the pic of you two just precious! Happy Thanksgving my friend! hugs lil raggedyangie

  18. Happy Anniversary Friend!
    How wonderful 32 yrs!
    What a beautiful family.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Blessings Trace

  19. Happy anniversary to you both. That's quite an accomplishment especially these days. It has been 36 years for my hubby and me. And yes I do remember the Bee Gees when Saturday Night Fever was a hot movie. What a nice pic of you and hubby. Time does slip by so fast the older we get. Cherish everyday like there is no tomorrow.
    I am thankful everyday for my hubby and our life together and my daughter and granddaughter. I wouldn't change a thing.
    Country at heart

  20. Hi Lecia...Sorry I missed your post - I have been away from the computer for a few days.
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY a bit late.
    You have a beautiful family surrounding you!
    I think I would have done everything I could have to see the Bee Gee's - one of my favorites at the time.


  21. Happy, Happy Anniversary! You have such a beautiful family :)
    Big hugs and wishes for many more!!

  22. Happy belated Anniversary! Wishing you 32 plus years more of love and happiness.
    I grew up with the Beegees too.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Lecia.

  23. 32 years is an amazing accomplishment. Your stories are so cute! :) To bad you missed the beegees! Darn! Your new sheltie is adorable!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  24. Happy Anniversary Lecia!! Wishing you many, many more!!

    Enjoy your evening~Becky

  25. Ah, how sweet. Happy Anniversary! You've got everything you need. A beautiful marriage, home, family grand babies, and Fresh cut flowers.
    Enjoy your Thanksgiving day luv!

  26. Happy Anniversary Lecia (sorry it's a lil' late)...wishing you many,many more! I also wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.....Wishing you a wonderful day my sweet friend! Big Hugs Mary

  27. Leica, that is the sweetest story! My first marriage was in 1970 and, oh, do I remember being in love. Those were the days, weren'tthey? We lived in an unfinished basement apartment. I remember living off $28
    A week unemployment but it was all great.
    You and Ronnie seem to have done very well for yourselves. May you enjoy another32 years!


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