Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Where should I sell my goodies???

I have been making some more items, but  only need so many for myself. I am not having any luck with

ebay or etsy. I have been really thinking of joining , or trying to join, one of the sites where you list items

on the 1st. or the 15th. of each month. I don't know if I would even be accepted,

 Or maybe I should just make things and try to be in a local craft show next

year.I am very pleased with all that I have made and can't believe that I actually did it, the only problem

I am having is schulpting the noses on some of the items. The patterns just say to do it and really don't

go into details, I have looked for tutorials but can't find any.

 Any info. will be appreciated. And now for the things I have made. Be honest ,what do you think.

A Pineberry Lane Pattern. Love her patterns.

My very first Make do, a Pineberry Lane Pattern

Pumpkin Jill, A Bittersweetfolk art pattern, love her patterns.

My primitive Saltbox pattern, love her patterns too.

My primitive saltbox, and of course I have to add my own touch and change things a little.

A Blue Moon Beginning pattern.

I just love the colors of fall, even the crafts.


  1. Oh my goodness sweetie!They are all so cute!Your are just a master!I would just go for a sellin blog because everyone pretty much knows you and loves all your wonderful creations.Have a great day!big hugs michelle

  2. Lecia, I am very impressed! Weren't you the one who told me not long ago that you didn't sew? Well, I think you're fooling us. Everything is so cute and I love that pumpkin/sunflower fabric too.
    I'd stay away from ebay as I've heard the fees are pretty high and I agree with Michelle, try a selling blog! You enjoy making all these wonderful items that doing a craft show at some point might be kind of fun for you-lots of work but so fun to meet other crafters.
    Whatever you decide folks will be happy to have your goodies.

  3. Lecia , I LOVE ALL YOUR NEW CREATIONS SO BEAUTIFUL , but from you this is not a surprise ! :0) But I am a huge fan and partial ! lol I have been having really good luck on the selling groups on facebook and there are no fees! Im going to email ya about some other things so Ill talk to you soon ! Have a great day and just keep doin what you do sweetie we all Love ya , your stuff is Awesome! hugs lilraggedyangie

  4. Lecia, they all look great! I really like your creations. I have struggled with this myself. I am not on any sites persay, but had wondered whether or not to try. For me, it's always time. I cannot commit to booths because they want you to work, and I already have a job. Anyhow, I don't have much advice, but I guess I would pray about it, and see where the Lord leads you.

  5. Hi Lecia~

    Love your goodies!! You've done a fabulous job on them. Don't know what to tell you about selling. I've only done ebay & didn't have much luck with that. Sold some things, but they seem to take so much that you sometimes don't make much of a profit. I would maybe try a selling blog. Good luck!!


  6. Hi Lecia,
    Love everything you made!! It's all very prim and adorable!!
    I had a selling blog for awhile and did very well with it. I just recently discovered that I could have different pages on my blog, so I made one of those my shop and closed my selling blog. It did better than my selling blog did. Within 2 days of letting everyone know that I had listed some of my creations in my shop...I had sold 6 items. I have a wordpress blog, so I'm not sure if blogspot has other pages that you could make into your shop. If not, I think you would do very well with a selling blog as your work is awesome!!

  7. Wonderful goodies!
    It takes a long time to establish a customer base. Have you tried a selling blog ~ Its Free!
    and maybe Facebook!

    Good Luck with what ever you do!
    Prim Blessings

  8. fabulous prims. i love them all. i sell on one site but do very well with my selling blog. best of luck.

  9. oh this is all so adorable Lecia!! You are so talented and I love it all...I too have looked for tutorials on sculpting and can't seem to find any. Good luck on selling your goodies. Hugs! Tina

  10. Oh Lecia - I LOVE your new creations!! That first witch kitty and the pumpkin gal are especially adorable!!! I don't sell my crafts (what crafts? ;o)) so can only speak as a sometimes buyer (altho I have sold other items on Ebay - and, yes, the fees are getting crazy....) I do like the selling groups (like TDIPT, EWM, etc.); however, I sometimes find it hard to keep up with them, and there are getting to be more and more and more of them! And if I miss the bimonthly update, I rarely go back, because usually my favorite sellers' items have already sold out. My favorite is the selling blog - or selling page on a regular blog. Doing a post when you add new things helps a lot. I love Etsy - and have had wonderful experiences there, but, frankly, rarely have the time to just "browse." About the only time I go there is if someone posts on their blog that they've added a particular item to their Etsy shop and I'm interested (or if I see something somewhere I like and someone says they got it at a particular Etsy shop...) Don't know if that helps at all - but I hope so....I'd be happy to share of few "examples" of sellers/shops I, as a buyer, find effective if you'd like. Good luck! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  11. Lecia, you are so talented! Have you thought of getting a booth in a craft mall somewhere? Or the craft shows you meet alot of interesting people.

  12. I don't do well with the selling aspect. I only do it because I enjoy it and I don't want it to become work. You know, scheduled or behind in orders, blah, blah, blah.
    Angie found that Facebook to be her goldmine. There are several selling groups there and they are free so you're only out the time to post.
    Your stuff is so sweet, so prim, so awesome. I know they will go nuts. Just give it a try! :)
    Warmest blessings, my friend,

  13. Hi, as you know I love all of your work, I have had good luck with ETSY,it took a litle time to get started. I am doing just one show this year, down from 3. I hate EBAY!!! stay away from them. A selling blog sounds good, I tried one once when I first starting blogging and didn' t do much, then found ETSY and love it. You could show them on your blog and sell from there. If you get too much, I am always up for a swap. Good luck.

  14. You are doing such an awesome job for not crafting very long. Your handmades are awesome! I don't see why they wouldn't sell. You received lots of great advice, I hope it helps. I don't have much to help you except definitely stay away from eBay. You used to be able to make $$ there but now they get you with all the different fees they've been adding. I would say if you have time, try and do all of the above. I know posting on any site seems to take such a long time but you can copy and paste most of it. Try a few different things out for awhile. Most importantly... it takes time to get out there and get a good customer base built. You are already laying a solid foundation and that's a huge plus! Just don't ever get frustrated and give up. You are doing too good of a job to not be creating!!! Best wishes with whatever road you take. Love ya girl~

  15. Hey Lecia:

    I'm dyin' over here cuz I just bought those same 2 pineberry lane patterns last week...we sure have the same taste!! Love your new prims! love how you gave Mrs. Begg a candycorn dress!! Your pumpkin girl is adorable...just loooove Mandy's patterns-I have a bunch of those too! and I also loooove blue moon beginings patterns...have those too :)

    Handmade Art Fair (HAF)is a selling site that's free to join...check it out!! I have the button on my sidebar.

  16. Hey Lecia..I love your fall goodies..I would open up a selling blog..(free)and we are open for vendors on the primitive peddler can always give that a try..your stuff would totally be accepted..(check my blog to take you there)..Jenn of bittersweet prims is the gal to talk to;) as for the nose stitching..tennessee ridge has good illistrations on "pinch stitching" noses..its just a matter of making sure you have some of the batting in there when you go back and forth so it looks 3-D looking...have a great weekend.;)

  17. Lecia... your new creations are fantastic! I love them all! You could sell at shows for sure. and just sell right here on your blog!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  18. Lecia,
    Loving all the creativity! As with anything, you have to give it time. I used to have an Etsy shop but after a year and only 6 sales I found that selling locally was for me. Selling blogs are good to. Etsy may work for you if you post your items on your blog like others do to draw people there. Facebook is a good source too. Ebay I don't like and only use it to buy very few supplies, so I think its a waste of time. Good luck in what ever you venture to.

  19. Oh Lecia!! I absolutely love all of your creations!! You sure have been busy lately :) Whichever way you find to sell your items, I know you will be very successful :D Have a wonderful night!!

    Hugs, Trish


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