Monday, September 12, 2011

As I remembered 911

Yesterday my heart was so saddened as I remembered the 10 year anniversary of 9 11.

I remember I was working in my hair salon and my sister called and told me about it, I turned on the TV

and watched in horror and couldn't believe this was happening to our wonderful country.

 I have been to NYC . As a matter of fact that is where I took my senior trip.

 I went to the same school 1st. grade through 12th. and there were only 28

kids in my graduating class. As you can tell I grew up in a really rural community and have told

different people before that if it weren't for TV, my sisters and I wouldn't have known much about

the real world. He He But I love my country roots and that has made me the person I am today.

  well to get back to my story, at my school when you were in the 7th. grade you started raising money

for your senior trip, We would have all sorts of fund raisers and by the time we were seniors we

had pretty much enough money to pay for the whole senior trip. Well our senior trip was to NYC,

and you talk about a culture shock. I had never in my life saw such tall buildings, plus many other

things, I won't even mention.  Well I went to a real Yankee's baseball game, I saw a NY play,

went to Macy's and saw the Statue of Liberty and all sorts of site seeing. And I did go up in

the world trade center, twin towers. I was looking at my high school memory book the other day,

trying to get things ready for a class reunion and what did I come across, but a picture I had taken

of the twin towers, some postcards and a brochure. 

 It did sadden my heart yesterday as I watched many of the TV specials on 911, as to why no

prayer or the NYC firefighters weren't allowed.

  I love this great country and never want to forget what this great country of America was founded on.

And may we never forget those who lost their lives in 911 and all the wonderful firefighters and

those who sacrificed for others that day! God Bless the USA.


  1. It is still hard to see it on tv, even 10 years later, I feel for those that lost loved ones on that day, so sad...Thanks for sharing your trip with us.

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  2. Leica what touching story and lovely post
    Yes it was a sad heavy heart day with no mention of prayer or having the firefighters
    present that give so much of themselves for
    others.. Will never understand the reasoning
    behind not having prayer so much "hypocrisy" ????
    So enjoyed reading your post thanks
    for sharing your expression of love for our
    Country... May the Lord Continue to bless you
    and your beautiful family...
    Warm Hugs....

  3. It was a very surreal and peculiar day yesterday....I sat glued to the television yesterday much in the same way I was 10 years ago....And I think all of us remember exactly what we were doing that day....It seems, in many ways, like it was only yesterday - but that day seemed to last forever - and will....It has forever changed us. I'll always remember - and pray - as I'm sure you will. Hugs & Blessings ~ Robin


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