Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Uncle Sam!!!

Mandy from "Bittersweet Folk Art", and I decided to do our own swap.

She gave me one of her " Uncle Sam"  dolls and a Primitive Star that matches his clothes!

I have never owned an "Uncle Sam" doll,
You talk about nice, I am just in love with him!!! He is totally adorable.

Doesn't he look great with my, "Americana Display"!

Mandy you have outdid yourself, I have to have the best "Uncle Sam" doll ever!!
Mandy is one talented lady, and there is an article about her and her work, in the summer issue
of "Merchantile Gatherings" magazine. You have to check that out!

I am thrilled to own one of Mandy's dolls, you have to check out her blog, everyone needs one
of her dolls, you are in for a treat!!!

Thank you so much Mandy for swapping, I love, love my doll!!! I will treasure him forever!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

New Mice!

Mice on Watermellon!

Isn't she so darn cute!

Jean from "Prim Crafts" made me some  Americana Mice, Don't you just love them!

 I am just completely spoiled living close to Jean. She is such an awesome crafter, check out her

blog!!  Jean has such awesome talent! Thank you Jean for making them for me.

Some recent things that I made!

Last Sat. I had time to do a little crafting, things that I made!
I made two of these calico blue bonnets, the fabric is beautiful! They are $20.00 each if interested.
Pictures don't do the bonnets justice, there is a tiney creamed print throughout the pattern, it isn't solid blue.
It is beautiful calico fabric and the bonnets are approx. 25" long.

I made this table runner for a sweet friend.

I made three of these table runners, $15.00 each if interested.
I made this candle mat with warm and natural in the middle, I may just keep this one for me. He He But if you really want one, I can make you one.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Prim Sale!

My friend Janice "Black Creek Primitives" is having an awesome sale, go to her blog and check it out,
She has these prim bobbins, cookie cutters, dolls, old button, cookbooks and fabric, just to name a few of the items!!!!! Things will be going fast, so check out Janices' blog!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Prims by the water giveaway!

I was fortunate enough to win the wonderful giveaway that Janice "Prims by the Water "  hosted. She gave away the most awesome Americana peppermint sticks.  I love them Janice, thank you for hosting this wonderful giveaway!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I was fortunate enough to be one of the winners of 

Laura's Giveaway   over at "Rhodes Creations"! I won one of her custom made

towels. She had 5 winners for her towels and we could pick a towel of our choice.

I was especially excited, because of the spelling of my name, I can never find anything with my

name on it. My name is spelled Lecia, but pronounced Lisa. (My mom made up the spelling).

  So of course I had Laura make me a towel that says, "Lecia's Kitchen" I told her that I wanted a towel,

with a chicken on it. And at the top could she put a checken setting on a bowl.

What do you think, PERFECT!  I love it!! Thank you Laura, I love my towel. Thank you for hosting

such a wonderful giveaway! check out Laura's blog

she makes embrodered towels, aprons, handbags, blankets just to name a few.

Monday, June 20, 2011

What a Wonderful Surprise!

I love my blogger friends, Sheila "Seasons of thy Heart" and I have been blogger friends for quite awhile.

She is one of the sweetest persons that I know. I admire her talent and creativity. One of her specialties is

making prim arrangements. She surprised me by sending me one of her Americana ones!!!! Look how


I just love the label on the can, and look at the beautiful
flowers, greenery, stars, ragballs and berries!!! And wonderful American Flag!

Yummy, the sweet annie gives it a wonderful smell!

 Thank you Sheila, I absolutely love, love it. I will cherish it forever!!!

Sheila has a shop and also sells them on her blog, you have to have one of her arrangements, they are the


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Swap goodies from Basketsnprims

Pam from "Basketsnprims" and I did a swap.
Did Pam ever spoil me. Pam is a basket maker and surprised me with one of her Americana baskets, It is beautiful!

Look at this prim Angel Make do on a candlestick,
I love how her dress is made from an old tablecloth, and look at her wings,
they are made from a vintage coverlet, and do I love coverlets!!

She sent me some beautiful blue fabric,
I can vision bonnets now. he he Beautiful colors! I love it!!!

Look at this beautiful pillow she made me,
I love the colors. And one of my jobs is a hairstylist, so I love the little sissors esp!!!

Look at the cute mammy sock doll and prim pantry cake! Am I spoiled or what!!!
Thank you Pam from the bottom of my heart, I really love everything. And best of all I have a new prim friend. Check out Pam's blog and creations, she is one talented crafter!!!

New Shelf from "Firecracker Kid"

Carol "Firecracker Kid"  and I did a swap, of course I love everything of Carol's , but decided on

one of her awesome shelves. I really like the label she put on the shelf too, "Jenkins Farm Poulty

Conditioner".  the people that built and lived in the old farmhouse that we are remodleing in WV,

their last name was Jenkins. So I may put it at the farmhouse, but for now I want to just enjoy it here in VA.

  Please check out Carol's Blog, her and her husband make the most wonderful shelves and other prims.

Thanks Carol, I absolutely love my new shelf. You are the greatest! Don't you just love the color!

Friday, June 17, 2011

A few new things I have made!

A few things I have been working on,
old school slate set

Prairie clothes pin dolls


Prairie covered book

baby socks
prim dress

Doll dress and bonnet set

Shelf sitter dolls
baby socks

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Bonnet and Apron

I decided to make an apron and bonnet in matching fabric, I think they look awesome together.

 If anyone is interested, I will be asking $35.00 for the set.  I was pretty proud how they turned out,

I may just keep it for me, they look pretty awesome together. He He

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Surprise in the Mail!

Today when I went to the mailbox their was a package addressed to me. It was a surprise,

Brenda "Pine Tree Prims" sent me the cutest pin keep. Check out Brenda's blog, she makes awesome

pinkeeps and stitcheries. Thank you Brenda, I just love my prim friends! I will cherish this forever!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Meeting a blogging friend and something she made me!!!!!

As many of you know Jean - Prim Crafts and I only live about 8 miles apart. Lucky me!!!!

We have met , but decided to get together again yesterday. She came over to my hair salon and had her

hair cut. Darn 'I forgot to take pictures. I hope you like your hair cut Jean. Then we went out for lunch.

 But I had asked Jean if she would make me a standing prairie doll. Without hesitations she said yes, Well to

my surprise she made two instead of one, she said they were, "Prairie Sisters" !!!

Look at these dolls, aren't they the cutest ever!! I love them!!!

I love the fabrics Jean has used, I love how this one is standing.

Isn't she the cutest sister!!!

I think they are my new favorite dolls!!!! They look awesome displayed on my old hoosier!!!

Perfectly Prim, thank you Jean from the bottom of my heart, Jean is so beautiful on the inside and outside. She made these for me as a gift. I can't express in words,
how thankful and proud I am of these dolls Jean.
I am so glad we live near each other and hope we get to have many visits.
You other blogger girls just need to move to the Shenandoah Valley to be near Jean.
Please check out her blog, she is one awesome crafter!!!!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Swap Pictures!!

Cyndy "Crafty Stitchers"  and I decided to do a swap. I fell in love with her Halloween Bag Holder dolls.

So we decided to do a swap.

 I was giving her a bonnet, plus we were adding a little surprise gift. Well to my surprise not only

did I get one bag holder doll, but two and she added a fall penny rug.(  You gave me way tooo much

Cyndy. You really spoiled me). I really love everything and thank you sooooo much from the bottom of my

heart!!! You are just tooo sweet!

Check out Cyndy's blog, she is an awesome crafter!!!

I love how the little tag says, "Lecia's Broom", tooo cute!

I love this Americana bag holder doll. I have her displayed now!!!!

And this penny rug is so beautiful, I love all the colors. Cyndy does beautiful work!!! Thank You Cyndy!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Surprise Package!!

Today I received two packages in the mail. I will show pictures of one package today and the other one

tomorrow. This package was a surprise and it was from a very sweet lady , Linda, Parkers Paradise

Linda has one of the biggest hearts and is one of the kindest persons that I have ever met.

Thank you Linda, for surprising me, I love my goodies!

Wow, look at all of this, I am in awe of all of this!!!!

Look at this wonderful old sewing basket filled with old sewing notions. ( Look at the  needle pack, the old tape measure and other goodies),. she also included a quilting book.

I wanted you to see some of the prices on the threads, but they aren't showing up too well. There is some for 29 cents, some for 35 cents. Wow

More thread and an awesome americana tissue holder.

I kept thinking what awesome thing can I do with all of this beautiful thread, I saw one of my old green canning jars and it hit me, doesn't it look awesome in the jar!!!!
Thank you Linda, I love my goodies!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Surprise Swap Package!!!

I participated in a swap that Tammy"A Primitive Place"  hosted. We didn't know who our partners were

going to be. Well when I arrived home from work yesterday I had a package waiting for me from Linda

"The Pin Keep" .  I was thrilled with all of my goodies! Thank you Linda!! Now I have a new prim friend.

That is the best thing about swaps!!!! This was fun Linda!!!

Yankee car freshener, and cute magnets.

Beautiful crow/star towel, I will probably use it for a table square, so prim!

Clipboard portfolio, the picture on it reminds me
of our old farmhouse in WV, love it!

Now this is what put the icing on the cake, He He
look at this beautiful pinkeep. It is gorgeous!!!

This is the inside view, prim perfect!!!

Thank you Tammy for hosting this wonderful swap!!!!