Saturday, June 18, 2011

New Shelf from "Firecracker Kid"

Carol "Firecracker Kid"  and I did a swap, of course I love everything of Carol's , but decided on

one of her awesome shelves. I really like the label she put on the shelf too, "Jenkins Farm Poulty

Conditioner".  the people that built and lived in the old farmhouse that we are remodleing in WV,

their last name was Jenkins. So I may put it at the farmhouse, but for now I want to just enjoy it here in VA.

  Please check out Carol's Blog, her and her husband make the most wonderful shelves and other prims.

Thanks Carol, I absolutely love my new shelf. You are the greatest! Don't you just love the color!


  1. Lecia,
    Carol does wonderful items. I purchased a black blanket crane from her and it was such nice work.
    I do love the color of your shelf, it looks great. So nice of her to personalize it for you.
    Have a great day
    Country at heart

  2. Lecia, you got spoiled. I hope this comment goes through. I have been having a hard time leaving comments on my favorite blog, YOU are one of them.
    I love your home and all you swap goodies you got!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Summer Blessings,

  3. Lecia dear I need your mailing address. I'm sending out the goodies today!! Laura

  4. love, Love, LOVE!!!!! So cute how you have it displayed;) Hope you have a wonderful day Lecia:)

  5. I love the shelf..and love Carols things too. I have a her shelves hanging on my walls. Not to mention the great rolling pin covers. Katie

  6. Very sweet shelf - that label is great! Have a wonderful weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. Hello my sweet friend, wonderful shelf from Carol! I love the awesome is that, that is, that it has the same name as the people that used to own your neat! Wowzerssss I love all your goodies that you have been working on. Gosh your sewing machine is surely getting a workout...LOL Do you sew in your sleep?...LOL I also wanted to tell you(as I keep forgetting) I love the new summer pic.of your grand babies you have on your blog....they are so percious! Thank you for visiting with me and leaving me a comment about my new goodies on my blog. I enjoy your visits!! Enjoy your weekend also! Big Hugsss Mary

  8. Wow, I have just found your blog and it looks simply amazing. Love your new gift, how lucky. I am new to all of this blogging, so you give me lots of inspiration. Your grandchildren are simply adorable. Nice to meet you ~Sara

  9. Oh, now that is a great swap item! I do love it! The label is so sweet. Did Carol know the meaning behind it? Love that personal touch!
    Yes, you did make a great trade!

  10. Lecia,
    What a great shelf!! It looks great!!

  11. Love the shelf !The label is extra special! Hugs,Jen

  12. Well, thank you ladies:) and you are most welcome Lecia:) It does glow in your home.


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