Saturday, June 25, 2011

Some recent things that I made!

Last Sat. I had time to do a little crafting, things that I made!
I made two of these calico blue bonnets, the fabric is beautiful! They are $20.00 each if interested.
Pictures don't do the bonnets justice, there is a tiney creamed print throughout the pattern, it isn't solid blue.
It is beautiful calico fabric and the bonnets are approx. 25" long.

I made this table runner for a sweet friend.

I made three of these table runners, $15.00 each if interested.
I made this candle mat with warm and natural in the middle, I may just keep this one for me. He He But if you really want one, I can make you one.


  1. Morning Friend,
    Such sweet things you have created.
    I got to sew alot yesterday. I hope to share some of my new woolie treasures monday.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Looks like you have been busy, love your new table runners and of course, your bonnets!

  3. Lecia,
    Love all your new creations! You are so very talented ! Hope you have a great weekend! hugs
    lil raggedy angie

  4. When you get crafting, you get crafting! And such lovelies you create! Everything is wonderful Lecia!! Have a great weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. Hi, Lecia ~ I love all of your new creations. They are perfect as always. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Hi Lecia~

    Lovely goodies!! You did a wonderful job on the quilted things!!

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  7. Lecia love all your new goodies !Do you ever rest? Have a wonderful weekend!Hugs,Jen

  8. Wonderful creations Lecia, just like a little bee....busy,busy...busy!Love your table runner you made for your friend and the other table runner you made, heck I love everything you made. Great job! Hugssss Mary

  9. great new goodies sweetie!Your new runnern with the blue squares is beautiful!have a great weekend!big hugs michelle

  10. Lecia, you know I am your biggest fan. I love everything you make. I need to get busy and figure out what to make out of all this old ticking. Any suggestions?


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