Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Memories

I had a wonderful Easter. Sat. morning Cole and Riley came to color eggs. Cole colored all of his green and blue. I had to laugh.
 Then I went to visit my parents in WV. Sun. we had a wonderful Easter service at church.
We had a cookout after church and the grandbabies and neighbor kids had an Easter Egg hunt.
I didn't get to see baby Jake very long, he was headed to see his other Grandmother.

Cole's eggsRiley's eggs

Cole and Riley acting silly!

Baby Jake and Pappy!
 It thrilled my heart to see the little ones enjoying themselves hunting eggs.


  1. Such awesome fun! Your grands are adorable and Pappy looks pretty happy, too.

  2. Sweet pictures!!! I think I see a design career in Cole's future! ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Wonderful Family Easter Photos...Looks like
    everyone had a great times... Such perfect
    colored eggs the kids did...TFS
    Prim Friend

  4. Sounds like a very nice Easter. Your grandkids are adorable. Aren't grandkids just the best!!

  5. Your pictures turned out wonderful.My nieces were total brats and no good pics.I love that they are a little bratty though always fun! Glad you had a nice Easter! Hugs!~Amy

  6. beautiful pics of your grand babies! Looks like they had a wonderful time! :)


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