Monday, April 25, 2011

200 follower Giveaway!!!

OMG I just noticed that I have 201 followers, so it's time for a giveaway!!! I remember when I was so excited to have 1 follower. I started a blog for the prim friendships, and at that time did no crafts. Well I have dabbled in some crafting, have had a ball with swaps and have truely made some wonderful friendships.
  I am making this giveaway available to US residents only. The only requirement is that you leave a comment on this post only. You must be a follower, new followers are welcome. You will need to leave me an email address if I don't have a way to get in touch with you.
  Alright for the giveaway, I am giving a "Prairie Bag Holder Doll", which I have made and a ditty bag with church doll that I have made.
 I am making this very simple, you do not have to post this to your sidebar, but can if you would like.
Thank you my blogging friends for all the wonderful friendships.I love you all!!!
And I think this is the first time ever, I have had three posts in one day!! He He  I will pick the winner Sat. April 30th.


  1. Cute giveaway items! Please enter me, you know I'm a!


  2. Hi Lecia,Congratulations my sweet friend on reaching your 201 milestone! Before you know it you will be celebrating 500.:)I just made 50 whooohoo! LOL I am loving your prairie doll bag and ditty bag... I would be honored if you would please enter me in your giveaway. Hugsss Mary Oh, I will post for you on my sidebar for you.

  3. Congrats Lecia on 200+ followers!!! Yippee!!! Sweet giveaway! I'd be honored to be entered (and thrilled to win!!) You know I'm a follower...and will always be! Thanks for this opportunity! Smiles, Hugs & Blessings ~ Robin

  4. Love the cute prim goodies you have for your giveaway. I am a new follower. Please enter me in the giveaway.
    Becky at Ginger Creme Hollow

  5. Lecia Congrats on 200 followers.. Awesome :-)
    Will post your Giveaway on DTCD Blogs
    Trish Ladybug

  6. Yay, I'm your #1 commenter! I definitely want a chance to win this pretty, 'cause I really need one. I am your follower:) and will put your giveaway on my blog giveaway page. Thanks sweety! You're a doll and I'm so happy to have met you.

  7. Hi - congratulations on your 200+ followers. Please enter me in your giveaway. I'll post on my sidebar. Thanks - Trish

  8. Hi Lecia, I have been enjoying your blog for quite awile now. Thought I alredy was a follower. I discovered I was not, and quickly fixed that. I am now a follower. I live in the USA. This doll is simply prim perfect. I would love to be entered in this awesome giveaway. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Love following your blog, I don't comment much but enjoy reading your posts. Your prim sewing is all so prim perfect. Love seeing your pictures too. Happy Spring.....

  10. Hi, please enter me, I am a follower, congrats on over 200 followers. Thank you, Cyndy

  11. Hi Lecia...congrats on 200 glad I am one of them!

    Kindly enter me into your giveaway please...

    Blessings, Traci

  12. Good Morning Lecia, congrats on your followers. I am so glad to be one of your online friends. I love visiting your blog
    Please throw my name in for a chance to win your great giveaway

  13. Hi Lecia,
    Congrats on reaching over 200 follower! You know I'm a followewr and would love the chance to win your sweet offerings. I'm so glad to see your branching out~ trying some new things~ your doing a wonderful job!! I'll add you to my blog sidebar.
    Have a wonderful day!

  14. Congratulations on 200 followers Lecia!
    Maybe one day I will see that number too.
    Your little prim creations is adorable. Count me in on the drawing for her.
    I am a follower and will post to my side bar.
    Thanks and enjoy your day,

  15. Oh how sweet of you.I love those prairie doll ditties.Hmmm...Wonder why I don't have one.Wonderful giveaway.Fingers crossed.Hugs!~Amy

  16. What a great give-a-way....congrats to you on 201 followers.....

  17. Lecia, CONGRATS!!! On 200!!! I am so glad that I have gotten to met you thanks to blogland! Please enter me! OLM

  18. Lecia,

    Congrats on reaching 200 followers. Please enter me in your primtastic giveaway. I will also post on my blogs sidebar too. Everything looks wonderful. Have a nice night.


  19. Cngrats Lecia on 201!!! Woohoo! I know your excited! I am so close to 200 and dying for it to happen because I have a giveaway ready too!

    Please enter me! I love your doll!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  20. Hello friend I just found your your beautiful treasures...those bonnets hanging on the line are gorgeous!!!!! The doll bag holder is a beautiful giveaway glad I found you...your blog is beautiful....Picket

  21. Congrats on your 200 followers! Please enter me in your awesome giveaway! I just love the prairie doll bag holder and the little church doll is adorable!

  22. It's funny. I was looking at a bag holder Prairie doll on a blog, thinking--I need one of these! And then today, I see one here on your blog. Karma? Fate? I don't know. I would love to be entered into this drawing. I am a follower and a believer. I am posting on my sidebar.
    BTW~ Love your dabbling.......

  23. Lecia,
    What a prim bag holder, it would look good in my laundry room. Glad you are going to reach your 200 mark. I am a follower. Please enter me in your giveaway.
    Country at heart

  24. Shes so beautiful Lecia!please count me in too!Thanks sweetie!big hugs michelle

  25. How did I miss this? I would love to be considered! Congratulations on reaching 200 followers!
    Thank you for doing this!
    Have a good evening,

  26. you did such an awesome job on these! :) Please enter me in your giveaway!


I appreciate your comments. Please leave me a comment anytime.