Thursday, December 2, 2010

Making Christmas Gifts!!!

Finances are tough this year at my house, like it probably is with most of us with the economy. So I have decided to make some of my gifts. Here are a few pictures. I enjoy making Christmas gifts. I made my Grandmothers gifts for Christmas when I was a little girl, because I didn't have money to buy them things. I remember one year in 7th. grade making my one Grandmother a set of pillows in home ec. class.
  She must have really liked them, because she would only put them on her sofa on Sundays and then she would put them back in a plastic bag and store them until the following Sun.


  1. That is sooo sweet Lecia! I love all the things you are making! The farm house is gorgeous!
    Hugs! Brandi
    ps I knew I was following you!!! I love your blog!

  2. I love all your Christmas decorations!
    I'm sure your gifts will be much appreciated - just like your grandma's!

  3. Lecia
    Finances are really tough in our household as
    well!! with all the recent Dr/Hospital bills
    for me and more to come, no extra $$$$. Just
    living day to day, Handmade Gifts are the very
    best and I just love handmade goodies...
    All of yours are beautiful,Love those Bonnets,great fabric !! Very nice sttiching work on the Candle Mats..Where did you get the that sweet little dress with the Christmas Tree on it.. How sweet is that,Thanks for sharing enjoyed all your Christmas Photos..
    Super Job on your Blog....:_)
    Many Blessings My Prim Friend
    Hugs Trish

  4. WOW! I would rther you make me a gift than get a store bought one anyday! You have some very lucky friends there to recieve such beautiful creations. Nothing better than getting a gift from the heart!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  5. I love what you are making..and I love!!!! a handmade gift the best.;) love your photos too.;)

  6. Those are some beautiful gifts Lecia, MUCH better than store bought in my book!!!!!

  7. I think finances are tight for many of us, but I tell you, I'd rather receive something hand made than store bought anytime! Whoever will be receiving the things you have created, I am sure they will love them! I love them all, but those bonnets are too cute!
    I am making some gifts too, maybe I should make a few things for myself too! LOL! I am going to make some sweet potato garland and dry some oranges though, looking foward to that. I have been told that it really makes the house smell wonderful.
    Have a good weekend, and God bless!

  8. Lecia, handmade gifts are the best! I haven't asked for it yet, my mom had knitted me a blanket, she finished it about 2 weeks before she pasted, it will be treasured!!! OLM

  9. Our budget is tight this year too. I'll will be making alot of gifts also. Love everything that you are making. I think that handmade gifts are the best!!

  10. Ohhh I love all your stuff! Your hoosiers,christmas decor,house,kids,dogs...everything. I too have a recipe in Gooseberry,just one though. Its in Recipes For Comfort,dads western soup.I don thave the books yours are in but I just might pick up a copy of them for that reason! :)~~PAm

  11. Thanks everyone for the lovely comments!! I will have to check out your recipe GoldieLoo!!!

  12. I prefer home made gifts over store bought gifts any day! Your candle mats are wonderfully prim, love everything you are making!


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