Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thankful for family.

I had a lovely Thanksgiving with my family. It is like Christmas to me, because we can't all get together at Christmas.  We give gifts to the younger ones. We laugh and eat and laugh and eat!!! I have so much to be thankful to God for. I thank him for blessing me with a wonderful family, two jobs that I love, and some wonderful blogging friends. I thank him that my children are such wonderful parents. And I can't be thankful enough that my daughter isn't suffering with pain and sick like she was last year at this time.And of course my three beautiful Gramdbabies, that I live in America, I could go on and on..... And even though we have an empty place at our table ( my brother is no longer with us). I have wonderful memories and know that he is in heaven and I will see him again one day. God is good!


  1. I feel blessed from reading your post. God truly is so good!!

  2. Lecia I am so glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Your family is beautiful! I love the photo of you, your husband and the 2 grandbabies. You are so pretty inside and out!
    And I am so thankful to call you my friend!

  3. Lecia,What a wonderful blessed Thanskgiving
    with your Family,just love your all those
    Christmas photos, great job decorating for
    the Holidays, Really like the Stocking with
    the Snowman, where you did that..soo cute
    Awesome Blog background too,You are so gifted
    my Prim Friend, So enjoy coming to your Blog
    Blessings /Hugs
    Trish :-)

  4. That looks like a wonderful Thanksgiving if I ever did see one!!!!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  5. love the photos you shared and glad you were able to spend it with family..;)

  6. Lecia, love all your pictures, so glad you had such a wonderful time! Thank you again! OLM

  7. God is good and I can see He has been very good to you. Blessings to you always,


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