Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rearranging decorations!!!

Candle Box display in an old drawer!

I love to burn these floating candles on Christmas eve. and Christmas day, surrounded by fresh cranberries!

I am on vacation this week, I like to leave my tree up until New Years, but since I am not watching my Grandson today thought I better take down some Christmas decorations and my tree. I do leave out most of my snowmen all Winter, but decided to change my table display and rearrange some of my things.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Swap

Andy  and I participated in a Christmas swap.

 I received my package from Andy on Christmas Eve. She had a coffee pot cover,

made for me, she painted it and distressed it. I love it, and it hides my ugly coffee pot.

  Thank you Andy from the bottom of my heart!!!! Isn't it beautiful!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas to all of my Friends!!!

  I want to wish all of my blogger friends a very Merry Christmas!!! And I hope we all stop and realize the true meaning of Christmas. Let us all rem. a person who is alone this Christmas ,the homeless, our service men and woman,  those less fortunate than us, and our friends that have lost loved ones this past year .Christmas can be a lonely time for many people.

  Some of my best Christmas memories was at church when I was a little girl. We would go Christmas Caroling and would fix up goodies boxes of cookies, candy and fruit and take to shut in's.
  Then we would have a Christmas program at church, put on by the children and youth. We would practice and practice, you would think it was some sort of Broadway production.
  We would always have a nativity scene and would celebrate Jesus' births.

  There were 5 children in my family, mom would bake and bake, we sure had alot of special baked goodies.
We would usually receive one toy and a flannel night gown, us sisters would priss around like a bunch of princesses in our new nightgowns. And my brother the King in his new PJ's.
   Daddy would string up one string of lights over our front porch, we would go out to the end of our lane and awe over the specticular display of lights. He He We were up and down all night long looking to see if Santa had arrived!!

   You will get a laugh out of this but we had lots of animals since we lived on a farm. us kids would go out on Christmas Eve. and sing songs to the animals. They actually would be quiet and look at us. (Probably half scared to death). He He

   But I do want to take this time to wish all my blogger friend a Merry Christmas, and am so thankful that you are a part of my life. And may each of us  take time to remember that Christmas is Jesus' Birthday!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Billy Jacob Prints!!

"Christmas Time's a Comin"
"Home for Christmas"
I love "Billy Jacob" prints , they remind of a simplier time. Here are two that I have in my house to celebrate the Holidays.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Special!!!

I have 12 bonnets made up for sale. I have decided to have a Christmas sale. It will be for this week-end only.
The sale will end Sunday Eve. So that I can get them mailed out first thing Monday morning, (so hopefully you will receive them for Christmas).
I am only charging $12.99 for each bonnet and shipping will be $3.00, and $1.00 for each additional bonnet.
I accept paypal only. So if you are interested my email address is:
  I will post pictures and you can email me to see if any of these colors are available.

Giveaway package arrived!

Amy  was having a giveaway and I won one of her prizes.

Here are the two little sheep ornies that I won, they are the cutest and smell so good!! Thank you Amy.

Stop by and give Amy a visit on her blog. She is a sweetheart!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Giveaway Winner!!!

I am so thrilled to find out that I am the winner of  awesome giveaway.

I love room sprays, and candle tarts, I can smell them now, please check out Colleens awesome blog.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another surprise in the mail!!

Yesterday I went to my mailbox and was surprised to see a package.

It was a surprise package from Trish-Lady bug

  Inside was the cutest raggedy ann ornament and wonderful snowman!!!! Thank you so much Trish, I

love them both. I feel like I am having Christmas all month long.

  If you don't know Trish, stop by her blog and say hello. She is a very talented lady and wonderful

crafter. She sure has been making some beautiful candle mats also. I love my prim friends!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Swap Goodies from Primitivesnstitchin

Becky from and I did a swap back in the summer that Char, Pickled Pepper Patch was hosting. We had such an awesome time that we decided to do a Christmas one.
Well I am in no way a crafter like Becky, she has spoiled me beyond words. I have never saw so much talent in one box. When I opened the package there layed the most beautiful gifts, all wrapped in vintage looking paper. And on top was the cutest, cutest snowman with little kitty attached. Each package had an ornament or greenery attached, too pretty to open.
Look at the beautiful box of goodies!!!
Snowman with kitty! Look at the kitty's hat!
The most lovely vintage paper and ornaments and greenery attached, so prim and beautiful!
I love this stitchery, so warm and beautiful!!
Peg rack with snowman!!!
The cutest raggedy ann!!! I love her!!!

This stocking is more than beautiful, it is stunning!!!!

I love this snowman table runner!!
Such a beautiful wall hanging, such wonderful colors. Becky this is gorgeous, I will cherish this forever!!!
This is the cutest card!! Look at the little candy canes.
  And to make it more special Becky made each and every item, Thank-you Becky for the wonderful items, and I love everything so much. You out did yourself and have spoiled me rotten!!!!! You're items will be cherished forever, they mean so much knowing that you made them!!! You have made me one happy prim girl!!!

New ornies I got at a craft show!!

I was at a craft show sat. and  this lady had such a nice prim booth. She had the most awesome ornies and cute little displays I got the little tin arrangement for $10  the stick hourse ornie was $4,  and most of the other ornies a dollar or two. Wow, I loved her things and felt like I hit the jackpot!!! And the little letter to  Santa says it is from Jake, that is my little grandson's name, so of course I had to get that!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Making Christmas Gifts!!!

Finances are tough this year at my house, like it probably is with most of us with the economy. So I have decided to make some of my gifts. Here are a few pictures. I enjoy making Christmas gifts. I made my Grandmothers gifts for Christmas when I was a little girl, because I didn't have money to buy them things. I remember one year in 7th. grade making my one Grandmother a set of pillows in home ec. class.
  She must have really liked them, because she would only put them on her sofa on Sundays and then she would put them back in a plastic bag and store them until the following Sun.