Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Swap

Andy  and I participated in a Christmas swap.

 I received my package from Andy on Christmas Eve. She had a coffee pot cover,

made for me, she painted it and distressed it. I love it, and it hides my ugly coffee pot.

  Thank you Andy from the bottom of my heart!!!! Isn't it beautiful!!!


  1. That is super nice! I love that! What an awesome swap gift to receive! I also love all your prim Cmas decos you show pics of! Beautiful!

  2. I'm so glad you like it Lecia, you are a special friend and I wanted to give you something special that you could use. I love the hand dids you made me, you are such a talented seamstress!

  3. Lecia, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!!! What a gret prim piece!!!! OLM

  4. Lecia what a great swap gift from Andy,Love
    it, Andy did awesome job.... :-)
    Happy New Years everyone....
    Blessings :-)

  5. Yes, it is beautiful! Look how it fits perfectly under the cabinet! Andy did a wonderful job on it!


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