Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thankful for family.

I had a lovely Thanksgiving with my family. It is like Christmas to me, because we can't all get together at Christmas.  We give gifts to the younger ones. We laugh and eat and laugh and eat!!! I have so much to be thankful to God for. I thank him for blessing me with a wonderful family, two jobs that I love, and some wonderful blogging friends. I thank him that my children are such wonderful parents. And I can't be thankful enough that my daughter isn't suffering with pain and sick like she was last year at this time.And of course my three beautiful Gramdbabies, that I live in America, I could go on and on..... And even though we have an empty place at our table ( my brother is no longer with us). I have wonderful memories and know that he is in heaven and I will see him again one day. God is good!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Christmas Decorating

I have been doing some decorating for Christmas today. I have never decorated before Thanksgiving. I like to reverence Thanksgiving first. But with working one job, being on call on another and helping with my Grandson, I thought I better do it while I had a little time. I didn't put near the decorations on the Christmas tree that I usually do, and I like to decorate with snowman, since I can leave them out all Winter.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Shelf from Sawdusty's Cabin

Here is a photo of a new scoop shelf that I got from Denise at http://www.sawdustys-cabin.com/

Denise is so talented, the new shelf is the one on the left, farmhouse tan, then the black one on the right side

I had gotten several months ago. As you can see all of my shelves are different colors, I have no

color theme, if I like something I get it. Besides I am the queen of my castle and I make the rules. HE HE

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Swap goodies from Tammy!

Tammy from http://ncprimitivesfromthepast.blogspot.com/  and I did a Christmas swap. She is a sweetheart and makes awesome prims. She sent me the most beautiful stocking filled with goodies made from an old quilt, a little snowman and a snowman stitchery. Thank you Tammy for swapping with me and sharing you awesome creations with me.