Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Shelf from Sawdusty's Cabin

Here is a photo of a new scoop shelf that I got from Denise at

Denise is so talented, the new shelf is the one on the left, farmhouse tan, then the black one on the right side

I had gotten several months ago. As you can see all of my shelves are different colors, I have no

color theme, if I like something I get it. Besides I am the queen of my castle and I make the rules. HE HE


  1. very pretty - your place is looking so beautiful and prim! Sawdusty has some wonderful things!

  2. LOVE It!!!! I will have to check out her site:)

  3. Oooooh, I like that....Going to check it out!

  4. thats two from her now....I too love her work and it looks so good with all your other prim items....:)have a wonderful day.:)

  5. Lecia, Love the shelves!! I agree, love when they are all different!!! OLm

  6. Those are really great, favorite is the creamy
    color one.. will have to take a peek at her
    site.. Thanks for Sharing hugs.. :_)

    Thanks for all the nice comments on my Blogs
    too !! _;)

  7. Oh my....I love them all. I'm with what you like...and you are the QUEEN!


  8. Love the shelves!! It all looks great!! Going to have to check out her site.

  9. I don't think there's any rules are there? LOL! The new shelf looks wonderful, and it's always best to buy what you truly love, it's your home and that's what counts!
    Thank you for sharing!
    I am new to blogland, but have followed several for quite sometime, I am happy to be able to finally participate!

  10. Absolutely true! You are the only one that has to like it, who cares what others think. Anyway, I love the colors of your shelves and cabinets and where you put them. Cute border too!


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