Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Door Display for my Hair Salon

My friend Gina, "Cat Nap Inn Primitives", bought a wonderful dustpan hanger from Appletreecottage on etsy. I loved it so much that I contacted Appletreecottage about making me a sign for my shop door. This is the picture she sent me of the finished product. I love it, what awesome talent.


  1. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! is that the sweetest thing yet!! I love how she has made them all a bit different..they look so good..and I love yours..she does absolutely fantastic work..:) I am happy you were able to get one.;) thanks for sharing.;)

  2. your dustpan door sign is just GORGEOUS!!! I love Appletreecottage!! She does incredible work...

  3. Ooooohhhh! Thank you for the comments everyone! I just loved working with Gina and Lecia --- they both have such dear prim hearts! Your blog is beautiful my friend. I want to have a cup of tea and sit on that lovely porch with you!


  4. That is so you aunt lecia! you always buy the cutest stuff!!

    love ya,


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