Thursday, August 12, 2010

First Prize from the Crows Creek Primitives Blog "The Old Settlers Giveaway"

Today I received my first prize from the  giveaway. It is a pin keep made by Trish ( the  blog is her siister's Connie Joy),  Isn't it the cutest pin keep!!! Check out her blog, she did an awesome job. I love it Trish. Thanks-You!!!!I should have taken a picture of how Trish had it packaged, she had such a cute cheesecloth tag aroung the package it is pictured beside the pinkeep.


  1. I love the goodies you got...they will look so good in your home..have a good one.;)

  2. Love your Blog... Opening Photo is awesome
    so glad you enjoyed your Crows Creek Primitives
    Giveaway Prize.. (Civil War Shiloh 1863 Pin Keeper) Hugz... Ladybug /Trish


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