Saturday, December 11, 2021

A Little Christmas Around my House

 Christmas is coming so fast, I am finished with shopping and my little bit of decorating. The part I enjoy about Christmas the most is watching my grandchildren have fun. Watching the twinkle in their little eyes. To me it isn't all about the gifts. I love baking cookies with my sisters, looking at the Christmas lights, the Christmas church services, the music, making special foods that I only make once a year, And of course watching my grandchildren have fun. Here is a few photos of Christmas around my house.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww....such wonderful decorating and photos, Lecia!! And so sweet of you to take the time to take all those photos and share them with us. All of it is beautiful, but my favorites are (of course!) the Arnett Santas...and have quite the impressive collection! And I also really love that grapevine wreath with the beautifully simple. Stay well and safe....We're in snow season here. ~Robin~


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