Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Annual Chirstmas Cookie Bake

 For the last several years me, my daughter and grandaughters, sisters, nieces and friends have met in WV at our Farmhouse to bake cookies and watch Christmas movies. Plus we have lots of food and dips made for the weekend. Such a fun and relaxing time. We bake cookies, do a small craft and have a gift exchange. What fun and awesome memories.


  1. What a fabulous tradition...I can only imagine the fun you all must have...and the beautiful memories being made. (And, dang...you all leave with what looks like an amazing bunch of yummies!!) I don't think I will be doing any baking this year...perhaps my son's favorite, but I doubt he will want many of even those. And my husband eats none...so it's only me. I'll have to savor your good times and good treats vicariously. ~Robin~

  2. Last year my mom and I made 18 dozen potato and cheese pierogis for gifts at Christmas...and not even sure if I will be able to see her this year. UGH. Cherish the memories. You have a wonderful family. Janice

  3. What a wonderful family tradition, Lecia. It sounds and looks like you all have loads of fun. My family lives close by and I try to gather everybody for activities. Some members come, some do not, but we always have fun with those that do participate. What wonderful memories you and your family are creating. - Hugs, Melisa

  4. What a wonderful family tradition, Lecia. It sounds and looks like you all have loads of fun. My family lives close by and I try to gather everybody for activities. Some members come, some do not, but we always have fun with those that do participate. What wonderful memories you and your family are creating. - Hugs, Melisa


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