Saturday, November 14, 2020

Pin Keep and apple cake

 Since I have retired from my school nurse job, I am having fun catching up on some crafting projects.

I finished a pin keep pattern by, Joyce Reed.

I live near an apple orchard so I love getting fresh apples and making apple pies and apple cakes.

I am sharing an apple cake recipe. I use 6 cups of apples instead of the 3 cups. I bake it in a 9" x 13"

pan at 350 degrees, for 45 minutes.


  1. What a fun pin keep. Perfect for the Christmas season. Thanks for sharing your apple recipe. Looks good and I so love apples! Janice

  2. LOVE the pinkeep!! Joyce has some sweet designs. I knew you stitched as in applique, sewing, etc., but don't remember you doing cross stitch. That apple cake looks yummy!! Reminds me of one my mom used to was always a favorite among anyone who tasted it. Hope you're enjoying your weekend! ~Robin~

  3. Does that Apple Cake ever look so good! Thank you for sharing the recipe! You have been making some really cute craft items! You can learn so many things just by watching youtube!

  4. OOOh..that cake looks yummy! Guess what I am making this weekend!? Hugs to ya girl

  5. Your little pin keep is so adorable, Lecia. And the Apple Dapple Cake sounds yummy. I am going to have to try that recipe.Thank you for sharing. Hugs, Melisa


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