Sunday, October 29, 2017

Fun Trip!!!

Thur. Oct. 26th. was a bittersweet day, it was the one year anniversary date of my moms passing. My life will never be the same, how do I go on. I have no choice I have to go on. I miss my mom so much.I took a personal day off from school on Thur. and Friday was a teachers work day so  my best friend Shelia, and my three sisters and I took a road trip to Lancaster, Pa. We had a wonderful time as usual. We went shopping in many wonderful shops. We ate lots of comfort foods and on the way home we stopped in Chambersburg, Pa. at Grantstreet woolworks and visited that wonderful shop. I forgot to take a picture of the van we were in, how packed we had it, but I will share some pictures of our trip and some of my awesome finds.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun time and hopefully a good distraction from being sad about your mom. I love all your new goodies!
    hugs, jessica


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