Monday, July 3, 2017

Happy Fourth of July

I love Summer, I have so many plans. Last evening we set in the yard and watched the excitement as my one Grandson Jake was setting off firewords. Fireworks are a must for the Forth of July.
 I will get up early on the Fourth and go to a community yardsale and since my husband has to work, I plan on sewing all day. I am looking forward to my day. I want to show a little bit of my Summer decor. What will you be doing on the Fourth? When I think of the Fourth of July I think of how lucky
I am to live in a country with freedom, I think of fireworks and grilled hotdogs. Happy 4th!!!


  1. We will be staying home this Independence Day and doing our own thing. They sell fireworks here so hubby wants to get some, but he's suddenly under the weather so our plans are up in the air, kinda like fireworks! LOL. Love your patriotic decor. :)

  2. Wonderful decor. Your home is a prim dream. Hoping your 4th was safe and fun :)


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