Sunday, March 12, 2017

Spring Decor

We are supposed to be getting snow this week, but I still decided to put out some of my Spring decor. I have been so busy, it is hard working two jobs, plus everything else we have to do. I have a wool applique that I want to make for spring and have been working on a needle punch project. My granddaughter is playing basketball so I have been trying to attend some of her games. And of course we are waiting the arrival of Baby Ruby, any day now. Now for some photo's of my decor.


  1. I just love all of your spring decorations! It's getting so close. I brought in some daffodils to the table to remind us winter doesn't last forever. (Because it sure feels like it does! Yesterday didn't even hit 30 F, yet it was a beautiful sunny day. What a tease.)
    Blessings to you!

  2. Wow! All your spring decorations are so cool. I have kinda been wondering if warmer weather is going to come soon. Seems like the weather here in Western Washington is the same during the fall winter and spring with the exception of an occasional snowflake in the winter. :)
    I'd love to see your wool applique and needle punch projects when they're finished.
    Have a great week Lecia, Janet W


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