Saturday, January 14, 2017

So many projects

My first project of the year. A needle punch by Lori "Notforgotton Farm"

It is a series of four projects, that you hang on an old broom and feedsack.

Since I work so much my goal is to have the entire series finished this year.

I also have some wool applique projects that I received for Christmas that

I am anxious to make.

My finished project

Just starting the project
This is the project I want to complete, this is Lori's

Gripper frame that my husband bought me for Christmas

Christmas projects from my husband


  1. Brilliant start on the series, Lecia! Lucky you to receive these gifts for Christmas! I know you'll enjoy making them so much!

  2. Wow! That looks so great. Cant wait to see it all finished and hanging up :) I love the hanging laundry out on the line thing. I never did it but mom probably did for a while and my grandma did. I remember she had a kinda of umbrella type thing. Pole in the middle that stuck into a base hole in the ground with the several rows of lines going around it. I wonder if i could google a pic of it. lol
    I wish we lived in mountains or country where the air is clean and fresh and I could hang the close out :)
    Gotta run. I hope you are all well and enjoying the weekend. Have a great week.
    Take care, Janet W

  3. How wonderful of Ronnie to get you a Gripper Frame. I have heard they make a world of difference when needle-punching. Do you like using it?


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