Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas and surprise in the mail

Christmas was very hard this year without my mom. I did alright sometimes and cried other times.
I  made my dad a nice meal for Christmas and enjoyed my visit with him.
  My kids and grandkids were at my house on Christmas eve. and also for Christmas breakfast.
 I also received a wonderful surprise package in the mail from a former blogger, Trish ladybug.
  I will share a few pictures of Christmas and my surprise box from Trish. Trish is always encouraging me, especially when my mom was sick and her passing. Thank you Trish for your
friendship and for spoiling me with a box of goodies.

Me and my sisters at Christmas, when I was 5 years old, another picture of my mom, dad and me.

Luke and my Christmas dog Bo.

My floating Christmas candle.

My three grand children eating Christmas breakfast.

Luke and Jake

My husband Ronnie

Stephanie and Mat




Me and my dad, he was so proud of his Marine Corp hat

Surprise package from Trish

Beautiful Rock art from Arizona

Sunflowers from her garden and twig wreath from her property

Wonderful handpainted bowl full of vintage cookie cutters, greenery and snowflakes

Beautiful primitive Tray, it is gorgeous!

Handmade keychain for Ronnie

Lemons and oranges, I know the lemons were grown on Trish's property.


  1. Dear Lecia, I am so glad you had a nice Christmas with kids and grand kids. Great family pics, especially the ones of you with your parents and sisters. :)
    WOW! So many great goodies from Trish. What a sweet friend.
    We had a quiet Christmas. No family up here. All are down in Wyoming and Utah. I went to church and it was wonderful as usual :)
    It is nice to have a day or season to think more of the Savior. His birth, life and death. All which he did because of His great love for us all. :)
    I hope you have a wonderful New Year. And that it will hold many great blessing for you and your family. Take care, Janet W

  2. I know it was hard for you with your mom gone. My dad has been gone for years now and it still hurts during Christmas. Lovely gifts you received and your family is adorable...loved that smile on your dad's face! Janice

  3. I am sure it was a hard Christmas! Glad you had some good moments also. So nice of your friend to spoil you! Happy New Year!


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