Sunday, November 20, 2016

Wonderful Celebration

My husband and I celebrated our 37th. year wedding anniversary. He took me to Pa. for the weekend, we stayed in Lancaster and went to some shops in that area. We watched a Christmas play and ate
wonderful Pa. Dutch cooking.
 My husband also took me to Alechia's House of Country in Williamsport, Pa.
It was such a refreshing time for both of us.
I know my husband doesn't enjoy prim crafts like I do, but he took me to these places,
so I could enjoy myself.
 It has been so hard on me since my mom's passing three weeks ago, I still cry everyday, but
I actually was able to enjoy myself and even laugh a little.
I will share some photo's of our trip, sorry I didn't get any pictures of the amish. The weekend
just went too fast.

Me at Alechia's


My soul mate

Christmas show we went to see
My beautiful anniversary flowers
Some of my treasures from our trip

Yummy Christmas candle
Wonderful Arnett Santa


  1. Happy Anniversary! Looks like you scored some wonderful goodies. Would love an Arnetts Santa. We do not have prim shops like that around here. Janice

  2. Good morning!
    What a wonderful trip for your anniversary...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!
    We just love the farmlands of Lancaster county, PA -
    Never been to Alechia's place. I must put that on my to do list for next time.

  3. I love you two and am so glad you had a chance to get away for your anniversary! Great pictures. Since we have been in touch, I won't write more, but know our thoughts and prayers are with you each day. Hugs

  4. So sorry about your mom passing! Big hugs to you. My mom has been gone 11 years and I still miss her like crazy. I'm glad you were able to get out and celebrate your 37th anniversary.

  5. Hi there, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !! Sorry I didn't comment til now. For some reason you did show up on my list of blog posts. I hope you and a great Thanksgiving.
    Looks like you found a lot of neat goodies in Pa. They are all so great. I'm glad you got to go and have a nice time. :)
    Prayers and (((BIG HUGS))) for you. Take care my friend :)

  6. Happy anniversary! I'm so glad you went out with your hubby for a nice time and some shopping. I hope you are doing okay!
    I know you knew we were moving to WV. Well we are closing on Laurel Ridge Cabins in Mt. Nebo. There's a main house for us to live in, and then we have 6 rental cabins for our business. We are about an hour drive from Virginia, we're practically neighbors now! ;)


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