Sunday, April 10, 2016

Wonderful surprise in the mail and new project

Yesterday I received an act of kindness package from my dear friend, Trish "ladybug",,
she used to have a blog but closed it. We still keep in close contact and have developed a
wonderful friendship.
  She sent me some of her heirloom sunflower seeds and also some sunflowers that I am going to
dry. I think I will dry them and display them in an old bowl.
 Thank you Trish, your act of kindness has touched my heart.Most of all I cherish our friendship.
With working so many hours my crafting is on the back burner, I am working on a project
from Briar Roots Primitives, it is a pillow with some wool applique, I am probably about
half way through, I will show pictures when I finish. I just can't wait, I really love the wool applique, and love old mason jars.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Spring Break

This past week was Spring Break at school, so did I ever have a busy week, I did hair two days in my hair salon, had a Dr. appointment, went to visit my parents, got my car inspected and oil changed, went to an outlet mall and did manage to finish two small crafts. I made myself a Summer banner and I finished a penny rug project. What do you think??

fabric and wool

The backing is from an old army blanket

Banner has three layers burlap, fabric and muslin