Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year!!!

I want to wish all of my blogging friends a Happy New Year!!!! Do you have any New Years Resolutions? One that I have every year is to loose weight, since that never happens I will just choose to eat healthier.
 But I have two other resolutions that I am really going to try to do.
One is to read the entire Bible in a year.
 I found a chart to go by and I want to share it with you, Bible Chart for a Year

 Next I seen on Facebook a challenge to save money, it is called the penny challenge,
you save a penny the first day, two pennies the second day, three pennies the third day etc.
If you do this for the entire year, 365 days the total amount you save is $667.95.

I also want to share a few photo's from Christmas.

Ronnie and Steph on Christmas Eve. cooking oysters on the grill

Me, Ronnie and Bo setting around the campfire

Jake and Luke and Pappy at Luke and Jake's house on Christmas morning.

Cole and his Pie Face game

Riley and her Crayon carver

Steph and Mat showing Jake, his Jake from State Farm shirt

Riley and Cole

Jake and his easy bake oven

Pappy and Maw

Love my floating candle with berries and greenery

Little Bo with his toy


  1. Great pics and thanks for the 52 week reading plan. I just finished my goal reading the whole Bible for 2015 on 12-31-15. It was basically from beginning to end. The 52 week plan you shared will make it easier to get through some of the Old Testatment. :)

  2. Cute kiddos in all those pics, looks like you had a great time.

    I have done the Bible challenge a couple of times, I probably should do that again.
    I have seen the 6 month challenge and the 12 month challenge, both of which were too much. I hadn't seen the penny one, that sounds much more do able.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope you have a Happy New Year.

  3. Hi there, love your pics. Sweet doggie, Bo. :) Love your floating candle and berries.

    I always make the goal to read the scriptures more. To take the time to study and ponder and pray for understanding too if I need to. :) I will check your 52 week plan link now.
    Happy New Year, my friend.
    Take care, Janet W. hugs

  4. Happy New Year ...glad to see y'all had a good Christmas . The grands sure are growing up . The penny challenge sounds like fun maybe Ill try it with Princess! Wishing you a wonderful 2016 ~hugs Angela

  5. Happy New Year Lecia! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas with your family, wishing you and yours joy in this new year! Deb xo


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