Saturday, January 30, 2016

I think I won the Lottery

Was I ever thrilled when I found out that I won Patti's giveaway at "Winding Vine Wonderings'"

Patti was recently featured in "Primitive Quilts and Projects" magazine.
 Her pattern is called, "Woodland Walk Mat", is a beautiful wool applique project.

Patti had a giveaway and I happened to be the lucky winner, I received one of her "Woodland
Walk" mat kits along with one of the "Primitive Quilts and Projects" magazines.

I am so honored to be able to have one of Patti's kits, and just love the magazine. I am waiting for
a snow day so I can make the mat, I will post pictures when I do.

Patti is so talented, she is an amazing cross stitcher and crafter, go over to her blog and check
her out, she also sells wool applique kits. I did want to add as I was looking over Patti's pattern,
I read where she doesn't even own a sewing machine, all of her sewing is done by hand, how neat is that.

Thank you so much  Patti for holding such an awesome giveaway, I still can't believe that I won!!!
I love your work and am really wanting to get into the wool applique, so now I have the
things I need to get started. I bet this will be addicting.

Isn't everything wrapped so lovely, love the wool hearts and beautiful card.

Woodland Walk kit and magazine

Saturday, January 23, 2016


I was off of school yesterday due to the snow storm we are receiving. We probably have 2 feet of snow and it is still snowing.
 I was able to make several bonnets so I am listing them to sell. If you would like to purchase them
or have any questions please email me. "Farmhouse Prims"

 My bonnets are approx. 26 to 27 inches long. I am asking $22.99 each plus traveling fee.

Bonnet no. 1, I have two avalable

Close up print, on bonnet no. 1

Bonnet no. 2, I have two available

Close up of bonnet no. 2

Bonnet no. 3, One Sold, One available

Close up of bonnet no. 3

Bonnet no. 4, One Sold, One available

Close up of bonnet no. 4,

Bonnet no. 5 , only 1 available, this one is approx. 24" long.
Asking $20.00 plus shipping SOLD

Close up of bonnet no. 5

Sunday, January 17, 2016


I don't know if you are like me or not but I don't like changes, but sometimes we have to make them.
As you know I have a  hair salon in my home, the American dream right. I love my business so much, but on the downside when you have your own business, you have no guaranteed pay check or benefits.
 I am also a sub nurse and love crafting as a hobby.
 I found out that the grade school that I love the most had a full time nursing position available,
so after praying about it I decided to take the position.
 So the last week has been a whirlwind adventure to say the least. So much to learn and
I am still going to do hair 2 eve. a week and half a day on Sat. Also have to manage time for
house cleaning, errands and things that we have to do.
 And I love my  crafting, but it also is no guarantee for sales. So probably most of my crafting will be in the Summer. I will have to work on my Christmas crafting then also.
 One good thing about working at school though is I will have off snow days, summers and a nice
Christmas vacation.
 I am already falling in love with the little children, they are so sweet and think of the nurse
alot like their mommy. It is a small school, where everyone seems like family, so I already feel at home.
 So I think I will be fine, once I get into a routine.
 I will for sure miss my crafting, and maybe here and there, I can find time to make some things,
I am wanting to make some more bonnets as my inventory is really getting low.
But have to wait until time permits.

I do want to show you the needle punch project that I was able to finish.
I am so proud of how it turned out, It is called "Feeding the Chickens",
pattern by Notforgotten Farm.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful New Year.!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Recipe in new "Gooseberry Patch" cookbook

I am a big fan of "Gooseberry Patch" cookbooks, I just received one of their newest cookbooks,
that has one of my recipes in it.
The new cookbook is called "Tastes Like Home".
So this is cookbook number 6 that I have recipes in.

Here is a picture of all the cookbooks that I have recipes in.
Love their cookbooks, the beautiful artwork, plus all the yummy recipes.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year!!!

I want to wish all of my blogging friends a Happy New Year!!!! Do you have any New Years Resolutions? One that I have every year is to loose weight, since that never happens I will just choose to eat healthier.
 But I have two other resolutions that I am really going to try to do.
One is to read the entire Bible in a year.
 I found a chart to go by and I want to share it with you, Bible Chart for a Year

 Next I seen on Facebook a challenge to save money, it is called the penny challenge,
you save a penny the first day, two pennies the second day, three pennies the third day etc.
If you do this for the entire year, 365 days the total amount you save is $667.95.

I also want to share a few photo's from Christmas.

Ronnie and Steph on Christmas Eve. cooking oysters on the grill

Me, Ronnie and Bo setting around the campfire

Jake and Luke and Pappy at Luke and Jake's house on Christmas morning.

Cole and his Pie Face game

Riley and her Crayon carver

Steph and Mat showing Jake, his Jake from State Farm shirt

Riley and Cole

Jake and his easy bake oven

Pappy and Maw

Love my floating candle with berries and greenery

Little Bo with his toy