Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thanksgiving at the Farmhouse

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Today was my year to host Thanksgiving. We decided to have it at our farmhouse in WV, since the kitchen is bigger and everyone just loves the atmosphere there. If I counted correctly we had 27 people. We had a feast, it was so much food we couldn't even find a place to set it. I have so much to be thankful for, one of the things I am most thankful for is family. I love my family and cherish the times we have together. I will share some of the photo's. And since my family can't all get together for Christmas, we give the smaller kids Christmas gifts that day.
So it is kinda like my family's Thanksgiving/Christmas celebration.
My grandson Jake

Pappy and his boys

My nieces Regina and Hillary

My dad with his newest great grandson

My nephew Nathan and his girlfriend Angie

My mom

My nephew Jordan

Hillary's husband Michael

family and friends

My sisters and brother in laws

My niece Emily, sisters and BIL

Ronnie and Steph

Steph, Mat and Riley

Me and Ronnie

Jake and Cole

Luke, Rhonda and Ezra

Me, my parents and my sisters

My family

My sisters opening their gifts from me.

My  Family, I am truly Blessed


  1. I can just tell from your photos that you had a blessed time together! Glad it was so much fun!

  2. What a wonderful family you have Lecia! Truly a blessing. Mine is so small I can't even imagine. My fave pic is your dad holding the new little addition♥ Love all of the wood in your farmhouse - a perfect place to gather and make memories! Thanks for sharing! ~*~Lisa

  3. Oh it looks like you had a wonderful love filled day! It is always so special when family can get together isn't it? Thanks for sharing!
    Be blessed,

  4. Looks like you all had a wonderful time! Great family photos!

  5. Wow what a beautiful big family you have! Janice

  6. What a great time you all had. Thank you for sharing with us :)


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