Sunday, August 2, 2015

Summer time fun

We recently took a family vacation to Ocean City, Md. we had a wonderful time.
It was wonderful being together as a family, and I ate my share of seafood, which I love.
 One of the highlights for me was having my grandchildren take an old timey photo,
they had so much fun dressing up and getting the photo's taken. Ocean City has sand sculptures
on the beach of Jesus, pictures just don't do justice, they are so beautiful in person.
 I also want to show my newest finished cross stitch, I am beginning to think of fall.
Lots of photo's to share.

Scarecrow's Ride cross stitch

Jake sure got into playing in the sand

Luke, Riley, Cole and Jake playing in the sand

Ronnie and I

Sunrise one morning as I walked on the beach

Mat and Stephanie

Luke and Rhonda

Pappy and his babies

Sand sculptures at night

Go cart rides


Cole and Jake

Me and my grandbabies

Annie get your gun, you have competition

The three amigo's


Howdy partner

Round em up cowboys


  1. Your pictures brought back so many happy memories or our times at the Shore!!! We LOVED Ocean City and the boardwalk was our favorite place to hang out!!! I can still smell the caramel corn!!! So happy you had a lovely time as a family!! Thanks for sharing!!!
    Warm Hugs~

  2. Wonderful memories FOREVER
    Looked like a blast and I still think you look to young to have grandkids!

  3. Wonderful memories FOREVER !!!!
    I still think you look too young to have grandkids!

  4. What a great trip! I'll have to bring our family there! Glad you had a great time! Maggie

  5. What a wonderful family time together at the beach! Those are great old time photos of the kids!
    Enjoy the rest of summer!

  6. Looks like everyone had a lot of fun! I agree with Earlene, you do look too young to have grandkids!

  7. Oooh..what fun you had! I wish we were heading to the beach this year...but hope to return to our fav place on the OBX next year. I love the ocean! See you soon my friend.

  8. Oh what fun!
    New treasured family memories.
    Love the old timey pictures.
    I am originally from Md.
    And used to vacay down the Ocean all the time.
    Oh the seafood. yum!
    Woolie Hugs

  9. Hi Lecia, remember me??? LOL
    (not sure if you got this comment twice) but your pics of the grandkiddos look adorable! Looks like everyone had so much fun!
    I've never been there, but now would love to visit!
    Hope you're enjoying your summer!
    big hugs,

  10. What fun Lecia, love the pictures of the kids dressed up in their Western duds, too cute! Looks like you had a wonderful time and love your new stitchery! Deb


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