Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Texture of Life

First I would like to wish everyone a safe and Happy 4th. of July. I also want to share a video with you,
"the Texture of Life", The Tusing Sisters of Branch Mountain.
It is approx. 28 min. long, but if you have time please watch it, especially if you love the
simple things of life. And if you like weaving, coverlets and things like that.
The Tusing sisters farm is not very far from our farmhouse in WV, I love driving by there farm whenever we are in WV and I visualize them in my mind when they lived there.
 They were also contacted by the Smithsonian in Washington, DC concerning their weaving and coverlets. My dad said he remembers them well and that when he was young they would allow him to hunt on their property. I also went to school with their one niece and she has bonnets and aprons that they made her as a child. She also owns one of their coverlets.
 And one thing that is so neat is that the preacher, Rev. Harold Emswiller, pastored a church here in Timberville. He has recently passed away, but a few years ago I met him. I said are you the pastor that used to go have church services with the Tusing Sisters of Branch Mountain, yes, he said, " I am the one". Enjoy this video, it is worth watching.

"Texture of LIfe" Tusing Sisters of Branch Mountain


  1. Hello my friend....wishing you a beautiful day today filled with sunshine and memories!

  2. Happy 4th of July Lecia!
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. You have a lovely blog, and thank you so much for the video, I am watching it now! Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

  4. Thanks for sharing! Hope you are enjoying your weekend!


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