Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wonderful Swap

I don't blog like I used too, but I can say that I have made so many wonderful friendships through blogging. And I know some of those friends will be a friend for life. One of those friends is Tammy Wellman "North Carolina Primitives From the Past". We usually do a swap or two every year,
we recently did a swap and I want to show you the wonderful goodies that I received from Tammy.
I am hoping that one day soon, Tammy and I can meet in person, that is on my bucket list and I know it will come true one day. Now to show you my wonderful swap goodies.

Is this Christmas or what, even us big kids like gifts.

Love this mammy in a can, wool, bowl, burlap flower, tin candle holder, 2 mini bread boards

Wonderful standing prairie doll and standing gingerbread doll set, Love this!

Wonderful civil war soldier and tarts

Big prairie girl, love her. She is wearing the cutest apron, look at her fingers.


  1. Wow! Merry Christmas to you. :) I love it. All those things are so great!

    Now, to find places for all your new treasures.

    Enjoy your gifts :)
    Take care, Janet W

  2. Wow! Merry Christmas to you. I love it! All those things are so great :)

    Now, to find places for all your new treasures.

    Enjoy, Take care, Janet W

  3. So many special are blessed indeed! Did you both know you were sending each other similar soldiers? I love them both.

  4. Love the swap goodies! I haven't been blogging like I use to either.

  5. Wow Lecia ~ so many wonderful goodies you got ~ so love the dolls!!!


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