Saturday, May 30, 2015

Until Harvest, A must read!

I am a book reviewer for Bethany House, my only requirement is that I read the book and give
an honest review.
 A while back I read the first book in the "Appalachian Blessings" series "Miracle in a Dry Season",
and I knew when the second book came out that I would have to read it also.
 The author Sarah Loudin Thomas is just wonderful, one of the best authors I have found
in a long time. She makes you feel like you are right there with the characters. This book was awesome, I just couldn't put it down.
 The story takes place in 1975 in Wise, WV. That got my attention right from the start, since
I grew up in WV and we now have a farmhouse there. I also graduated from high school in 1976, so
that was my era. he he
 Another thing that really touched my heart is that one of the main characters is a type 1 insulin diabetic. I know first hand what the struggles are with that,  having a daughter that is a diabetic.
 The book centers around Henry Phillips and his family. Two of the other main characters are a young
girl named Margaret and her diabetic sister. Margaret is Henry Phillips grandmother's caregiver.
 A tragedy happens in the Phillips family that turns Henry's world upside down. It takes Henry
a while to realize that he isn't the only person around that has trials and heartaches.
 It is a story about tragedy, but also of hope, family bonds and healing.
 I recommend this book highly and know you won't be disappointed.


  1. I've read the first one in the series too, Lecia and agree 100 percent that Sarah loudin is a fantastic author so I'll be on the look out for this one!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi there, The book sounds good. That was my graduation time too. Also my husband is diabetic. Might just check out that book. Is it new or do you think I could find it at the library?

    I like this background. I used it last year about this time. I like it better than the one I have on my blog now. I may change to it.

    Have a great weekend and a wonderful week.
    Take care, Janet W

  3. This sounds like a good one, will have to get the first one, then this one! I also love the cover!


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