Sunday, March 8, 2015

Some new creations and March Christmas Gift

I haven't been blogging for at least two weeks, I have had computer issues and finally bought a new computer. I don't like change so I am struggling with learning how to download photos and do different things on this computer. I also lost some of my patterns and pictures, so that is upsetting.
  I finished the punch needle project that sweet Sandy, "The Primitive Hutch" sent me.
I love this snowgirl. I am thinking of putting this project on an old cutting board, so I am on the
lookout for a cutting board.
 I also finished another punch needle project and a "Little House on the Prairie" sampler.
 I also wanted to share the March Christmas gift from my grandchildren Cole and Riley.


  1. Hi there, I was wondering about you. Hoping everything was ok. New computers are a great thing. But also not so great. Sorry you lost some things. That is so frustrating. :(

    I love all your creations. Great job! :) So you are a March birthday girl too. Cool. Mine is coming up on Friday the 13th. lol Lucky me. :)

    We are doing ok here. I'm just tired as I usually am. lol But I will survive. My time is so filled up with things for my husband, mom and sis that there is no time for me. Whew!

    Oh well. :) Spring has sprung I guess so the weather will be nicer and colorful flowers will be blooming,

    Take care, Janet

  2. Beautiful finishes Lecia!!!
    I'm so glad you enjoyed punching ~ Brr ~ Love the idea that you're going to put it on a vintage cutting board!
    Oh my I Love the Spring pocket you did up too!!!
    Your Grandchildren are so sweet!

  3. That is so sweet!!!!

  4. Love your new ventures Lecia - your punching and stitching is as perfect as your sewing. What sweet cards from your grandbabies - keepers!
    Blessings on your week ahead ~*~Lisa

  5. Lecia your punching is doing great! I love both of your finishes! Sweet gifts from the boys. I too had to get a new computer and also lost some things...bummer isn't it? I am TRYING to get used to all the new things! Have a great week!
    Be blessed,

  6. Beautiful finishes and thanks for sharing your grandkids March gifts, they are so precious! Sorry to hear about your computer woes but hope you get the hang of your new one quickly. Love your new blog background!

  7. I love the bunny pocket. I truely adore the monthly gifts from the grands such a very thoughtful and special memory in the making.You're like me I don't like change either especially in tech stuff.I'm going to have to break down this summer and buy a new computer.Mine works fine but won't update anymore so had to do google chrome which blocks me from everything so even more frustrating.LoL..Hugs!~Amy


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