Monday, March 30, 2015

Prayers for little James

One of my friends Trish, a former blogger has a nephew that needs our prayers.
 A few weeks ago her little nephew was missing,
and was found unconscious in a water hole. At first there wasn't much hope. James was put on
life support and the Dr. told the parents to prepare for the worst.
 So many people are praying and little James is a miracle, he is finally breathing on his own,
but will have a long recovery. I am adding a link to keep you updated on James.
Please keep him in your prayers for a full recovery. Also the family needs money for all of the hospital expenses I have a link that will connect to that site if you feel like you would like to donate.
 I appreciate your prayers and concern for this precious little boy.


  1. Oh how sad ~ it always breaks my heart when something bad happens to little ones.
    Prayers and thoughts are going out to James and his family.

  2. Prayers for this little boy and his family...

  3. We are still praying for the little guy...I cannot imagine what his parents/family have been going through....

  4. Will be praying for little James.

  5. Will so pray for little James. Please keep us updated. Janice


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