Monday, June 30, 2014

Scarecrows in a Bucket

I have really been busy this summer. I am still working in my hair salon, but am off from school.
So I am trying to get alot accomplished. I have been cleaning and cleaning my house and decluttering. I have been doing deep cleaning that I have put off for years.
Yesterday my hubby and I took a whole pick up load of things to my friends Shelia's house,
we are going to have a yard sale the end of this week. I am hoping to use what money I make, (shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch), to help get new flooring for my living room.
 I think I have cleaned every closet, and every cabinet in my house.I have cleaned
from top to bottom of everything, today I even washed and waxed my car. I am tired but
it sure feels good getting so much accomplished.
  When school starts I know I will be busy I have already been asked to fill in for a nurse that
will be on maternity leave. I also want to do a little crafting before school begins. This weekend
 I decided to make something for fall.
I used a pattern by "Samantha's Accessories",  It is a Scarecrow in a can.
The cans are approx. 19" tall and filled with fall goodies, pumpkins, a sunflower and a rusty star.
I am asking $36.99 plus shipping if interested. You can contact me by the telephone link on my sidebar.
  I also have been told by several people that I should put a label on my quilt. I ordered a tag from
etsy and stitched it on my quilt, I want to show you that.
  I have several day lillies, they are blooming now and I wanted to share some pictures of them also.
Hope everyone is having a beautiful Summer. I sure am enjoying the beautiful Summer!
So hard to believe that tomorrow will be the first day of July.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Summer Swap!

It has been awhile since I have participated in any swaps. I decided to joint Amy's Swap "Bumble Bee Lane"
  Amy always hosts such nice swaps. Well it just so happened that Amy was my swap partner.
We decided to mail our swap packages on the same day so that hopefully we would receive our swaps the same day. My package arrived today and was it ever loaded with primitive goodies.
I can tell that Amy put alot of thought into this swap to make it special for me. She sure spoiled me,
I love, love everything that Amy sent me.!!! Thank you Amy and thank you for hosting your wonderful swaps.
I sure am going to have fun decorating!!!!

Everything is wrapped so lovely.

Summer penny rug and sheep notepad

Star table runner, Americana pillow, star night light and vintage abacus

Love prairie things, Little prairie doll on board, so adorable.

I just love this doll, I love her prairie look and her woolie sheep!!!  And beautiful card.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

New kitchen faucet and bedroom closet doors.

  Since I am off for the summer from my school job I am tackling some major cleaning that I haven't done for a long time. I am still working in my hair salon, but have been doing some major cleaning on my days off. I have alot accomplished, but alot still to do. I have washed windows, cleaned kitchen cabinets Defrosted my old freezer. I am cleaning out drawers and closets. I want to get these jobs completed so I can enjoy the summer. I want to do some fun things with my grandchildren. I have been trying to get things together to have a yard sale with my friend in July. And I hate yard sales .But I am hoping to get rid of a few things to help buy some new flooring for my LR.
  I don't know if you are like me or not, but I get really excited when I am able to do things to my house,even little things. Like painting my kitchen cabinets. I love my big old kitchen sink but wanted a new farmhouse style faucet. My husband installed one today for me and I love it.
   I have never shown any pictures of my bedroom on my blog because it always looked like
I was ready to have a rummage sale and I was embarrassed. I decided this year to do some major decluttering in my bedroom. Last year I thought about doing it, but the more I would think about
doing that major cleaning I would grab my purse and get in my car and take off down the road. he he
 I  put a new quilt on my bed, that I had in the packages for at least 3 years, and put up my new curtains.What a difference that made.
   I had old sliding bifold closet doors which were ancient. My husband recently installed new
closet doors and I painted them wicker white to make the room more open and lighter. Added a peg
rack which I hung a dress and bonnet and ditty doll that I made.
 I have also been buying a few fall patterns that I want to make before school starts. I love making
fall prims. I have alot of big plans for the summer.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer.
Old Sink Faucet

New Sink Faucet

Love the new faucet with my green kitchen cabinets.

I set a collection of my mixing bowls on my pie safe.

Love setting on my restaurant bench looking out the window.

New bedroom prairie swags

Quilt rack, old quilt made years ago by my husbands aunt,all hand quilted.

New wooden closet doors.

Add caption

Peg rack with dress, bonnet and ditty bag.

New quilt, shames and bedskirt.

display in my bathroom

Another wall in my bedroom bathroom.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My finished quilt!!!!

If you have been keeping up with my blog you know that I have worked for months on a quilt top
with all of my leftover crafting fabric. It is called the "Disappearing Nine Patch" pattern.
 I don't have a long arm quilting machine or a frame to hand quilt and I wanted my quilt to look nice,
so I had a lady quilt it for me. She did an awesome job, I am so proud of the finished quilt.
I told her to use a light tan backing with some print in case I wanted to reverse the quilt and a chocolate border. I also told her to use whatever design that she would like for the quilting pattern,
she chose a flowered design and it is beautiful.
Now for pictures of my finished scrappy quilt.

Reminds me of Joseph's Coat of many colors
Love the color or the backing

Each square was a memory of something I had crafted, bonnets to a table runner, to doll dresses.

My favorite quilt squares made from civil war reproduction fabric, from my table runner class

Love the flowered quilting design

So very proud of my very first quilt!