Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Continue to pray for my daughter.

I just wrote a big long blog post just to find out that it was on my selling blog, so here we go again.
 As I have posted before my daughter is type 1 diabetic and has dealt with an eating disorder
diabulimia for pretty much the last 10 years. Diabulimia is a disorder where you withhold insulin to loose weight. It has been 10 years of hell to put it mildly. I have cried and prayed and cried and prayed. When she was having terrible pain from neuropathy, (painful nerve pain). I felt guilty even sleeping when I knew she couldn't. It is horrible to watch someone you love suffer, It is almost unbearable.
  She has a blog now here is the link if you would like to read about her journey.
Steph's Blog
  She is also in a support group on Facebook that has really helped her.
I know that the Lord has a plan for her life and that she will come out on top and be able to
help others going through this same disorder.
  And finally she has health insurance, she is in the process of getting an insulin pump, I am so excited. I pray that she likes it and it will help with the low blood sugars and keep her blood sugars more regulated. I constantly worry about her having low blood sugars. I hate diabetics.
  I thank the Lord for how far he has brought her and know he has greater plans for her life.
Her husband and children need her so bad as well as me her mamma.
I appreciate all of your prayers for her.


  1. Sending prayers right now! Maggie

  2. I pray your daughter gets better. Watching someone you love suffer breaks your heart. I am aldo praying for you. My husband was ill most of our marriage and it's hard always being the strong one. Hugs tonyou both!


  3. Hugs Lecia!!! I know how you have worried about her!! I am thrilled to hear she has insurance now and I so hope the pump helps keep things regulated!!! OLM

  4. Sending Prayers my friend, Hugs Francine.

  5. Hi Lecia,
    I've been meaning to ask you how she is doing these days and am glad you re-mentioned her problem. I had never heard of it before, but I know how worried and anxious you must have felt all this time!
    My prayers are w/you and esp. her! I know the Lord will help her beat this heart-breaking problem. Until them, big warm hugs my sweet friend! YOU are not alone!


  6. So good she has insurance now. Been keeping her in prayer, I know you worry so much about her. Hugs! Amy

  7. I will certainly say a prayer for her as I foound out late last year that I have diabetes. Its not fun. So glad she has insurance....everything is so expensive. Janice

  8. Hi Lecia,
    So hard to watch a love one go through all this. I will say prayers for both of you. Sending thoughts and prayers your way.

  9. Saying prayers for your dear daughter...It is SO hard to watch our children suffer. :-( HUGS

  10. Prayers many!!!
    I hope my grandaughter gets a pump soon.
    She is 13.

  11. I know everyone who is a diabetic is different, but my good friend has been living with a pump for 10 years now.....lots of trial and error and upgrades but she is doing so well with it. I pray that Stephanie will receive the same or better results when she gets hers!
    Hugs and prayers as always,

  12. I really pray that Steph feels better soon. I know it's hard to deal with those typen of things. It must be very painful for you. Still, I hope you know that everyone here got your back 100%! We are all hoping for Steph's recovery. Hang in there, Lecia! All the best!

    Ravi Agarwal @ MEDIQ


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