Monday, April 7, 2014

More quilt photo's!

I have been making a few squares every chance that I get for my quilt. It is a memory quilt in a way.
Most of the fabrics are scraps from my many bonnets that I have made. I also have one square made
from leftover fabrics from the tote bag class I took last summer, and  one square where I  am using the civil war
reproduction fabric from my quilted table runner class that I I also took last summer. I am trying so hard to sew 1/4" seams, but I am not doing very well. So after I finish all of the squares I will just have to
trim off the excess on some and make sure they are all the same size.
I have finished 31 squares and 25 more to go. Wow what a project. So what do you think of my scrap quilt? I hope I get the squares arranged so that the colors blend together.

Reproduction civil war fabric scraps from my table runner

Scraps from my tote bag class

Leftover scraps from my bonnets.

My quilt of many colors.

Add caption
My first Spring flower


  1. Absolutely wonderful!!! I am planning to make one of these with the ton of fabric I have stashed upstairs : )

  2. Fabulous! I am in awe of anyone who quilts and yours is turning out beautifully!

  3. I have so much fabric stashed away! A quilt like yours would be a good way for me to use some of it up. I washed and ironed it all about a year I think I should be ready to go!

  4. What a beautiful memory quilt - you did a fantastic job on it!!! Congratulations

  5. Really beautiful. What a colorful and meaningful quilt. I love it Lecia :)

  6. It's stunning Lecia! A wonderful treasure and heirloom!

  7. I think it's looking great! I love the reds and greens. It's really nice that you're using your scraps up.

  8. Your quilt top is delicious Lecia! Love that technique you are using. You are over the halfway mark on your squares!! What progress you've made! Thanks for sharing, makes me want to quilt so bad LOL! ~*~Lisa


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