Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Making some quilt progress

As you know I have been working on a quilt from all of my leftover crafting scraps.
First I cut out 500 -5" squares, then I sewed them into 56 --9 patch squares, then I
made each square into the "disappearing 9 patch"  pattern. I finally have all 56 squares completed.
Next I  need to make all of my squares the same size and then I can sew them together.
I can now see why people charge so much for quilts, they are time consuming for sure.
But I am excited to finally see it coming together.
  I thought what can I do to make sure all of my quilt squares are even. I had a brain storm
to go to my local hardware store and have them cut me a piece of plexi glass, it works perfectly.
I just go around each square with my rotary cutter and cut off where needed.
Now to match up the squares so the colors will blend together. I think sewing them all together
will be the fun part, to really see my quilt come together. All I can say is a work in progress, more to come.

My plexi glass square, works perfectly.

some of my squares
Kinda reminds me of Joseph's Coat of many colors.

And to think so far it is all made from scraps.


  1. Morning, so beautiful, love those colours, Blessings Francine.

  2. Now aren't you the smart cookie to think of the plexiglass template?! I think you should patent that idea :O) Looking wonderful Lecia, my mind is still boggled about how many squares you have cut out!

  3. Wonderful! I can't wait to try this myself : )

  4. Aren't you just the clever one w/the plexi-glass idea?? I'm sure many quilters will be ordering theirs from here on out! :))
    Your quilt looks amazing my friend and so scrappy! The hard work is really paying off, can't wait to see it all sewn together!

    Big warm hugs,

  5. I am so far behind in my reading, i will never catch up... but I saw this, and look at you... You said you couldn't' create when we first met... Now look at you go!!!! YEAH!!! So much hidden talent! OLM


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