Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Inventory Reduction Sale

I need to reduce some of my bonnet inventory. These bonnets are all new, they are approx. 26" long and are inspired by a Drakestone Primitive pattern. I am asking $15.99 each for the bonnets, plus
traveling fee. Please email me Lecia123@verizon.net  if you have any questions or would like to
purchase any of my bonnets. I accept paypal Great draped over a chair, hanging on an old cabinet door, or hanging on peg racks. Please email me with the bonnet no. that you want. Thanks!

Bonnet no. 1 (last one)

bonnet no. 2, brown with small flowers 2 available,
one SOLD, one available.

mustard tickling, Last one bonnet no. 3 SOLD

Bonnet no. 4 homespun print

No. 5, blue with tiny print, 2 available
One Sold, one available.

Heavily stained, muslin, last one no. 6

No. 7 burgundy/tan tickling 2 available
ONE SOLD, 1 available, Both Burgundy sold!


  1. I've got me quite a large inventory of your bonnets myself, LOL. These are all excellent too. I'll share your post love :)

  2. Beautiful bonnets! Love the way they look hanging off the chair.Blessings,Jen

  3. So lovely! I really enjoy the one you made for me that I have hanging from my ... good grief, I forget what it's called! It's a big long wooden bowl ... lol!


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