Monday, September 23, 2013

The Secret Keeper

I decided  to contact "Bethany House" about being a book reviewer. I was accepted, and to my

delight my first book is by Beverly Lewis "The Secret Keeper". I love Beverly Lewis and met

her last year in Lancaster Pa. I admire the Amish way of life and like reading about them.

The "Secret Keeper", is the forth book in her "Hickory Hollow" series.

  I don't know if any of you have read the "Shunning" or saw the movie but I sure you were

like me and wondered what ever happen to dear Katie Lapp after her shunning. Well you

can read this book to find out.

 The main character of this book is a young lady Jenny Burns, she comes from a well to do

English family. She has never been satisfied with her family's way of life, so commercial

and everything having to be the best. Even from a small child she yearned for the  more simple

things of life. Then as a teen she met a sweet amish girl on a visit to Lancaster Co. Pa.

They exchanged letters for years. Jenny admired her friends way of life and decided to

be a Seeker. That is what they call an Englisher wanting to become Amish.

 She stays with an amish family Rebecca and Samuel Lapp. She has to go through a time

of proving. She learns so much about the amish culture, more hard work and disipline than

she ever imagined.

She also learns a secret. She is torn about whether to betray the people she has learned to love,

or come clean with the secret she knows that she must, to be accepted into proving her new faith.

  I loved this book, I felt like I was right there learning about and working with the amish people.

I  recommend this book highly. The "Secret Keeper", is a must read for the amish book lover!


  1. What a great review Lecia! You make me want to read it for sure!!
    Wow~that you got to meet Beverly Lewis in person! I'm jealous! ha


  2. What a great review! I've read the other three in the series and this one sounds just as good!
    Thanks Lecia!

  3. Oh man, I had to skim through this post because I'm reading the book right now and didn't want to learn

  4. Sounds like a great book will had to check out the author and series

  5. Sounds like an exciting read. This will be good for you. One can never get enough reading.
    You're all ready for Halloween! Love your blog dress :)

  6. Very intriguing story. This will be good for you. One can never get enough reading.
    You're all ready for Halloween! Love your blog dress :)

  7. Congrats! What a fun adventure!!!! and reading books you love!! Love your pumpkins guys from the earlier post... I am a wee bit behind in my reading again, love your giveaway goodies too! OLM


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