Monday, July 22, 2013

New Penny Rug and Camping trip

I seem to always have to be doing something, I have such a hard time just setting still. We went camping this weekend and I was able to finish a penny rug that I have been working on. I have had the pattern for a couple years and decided to make it, it is a pattern by Brenda Gervais.
 My husband, daughter and my daughters two children took a two day trip to  Big Bear Lake, Bruceton Mills, WV. My BIL owns a campsite there, it is really beautiful and he has a slide that goes out into the lake.
I am not much of a camper, and the worst thing to me is going to a bathhouse that is shared by other campers for bathroom needs and showers. Even though I am a country girl I like the comfort of  home.
 It was worth the trip though, just seeing all of the fun that my grandkids were having, I enjoyed seeing them
having fun. The lake is such  beautiful area though and I ended up having a good time. I will share a few photo's. Hope everyone is enjoying the summer, it sure is going fast.

Windmills that we pass in WV on our way there, they are huge

Pappy, Riley and Cole

Pappy acting silly

Cole ready for the big splash

Stephanie and I

Cole ready for another round

Riley having fun

Giving everyone bunny ears!

Had to add this photo of my beautiful star gazer lillies that are blooming now.


  1. Morning, love the penny rug, so sweet.......Looks like a wonderful camping trip, yippee!!! Stargazers are so pretty, Happy Monday, Francine.

  2. Looks like fun!! Glad everyone had a great time.... Summer sure is flying by!

  3. Looks like everyone had a summer is zooming by but of course I'm always dreaming of fall.Your new mat turned out nicely.Hugs!~Amy

  4. What summer love and fun.
    Love that Fall penny.
    Woolie Hugs

  5. I want to go down that slide ~ looks like a lot of fun!
    Glad you enjoyed your little vacation ~ it's always nice to get away!
    Wonderful finish on your penny mat.
    Prim Blessings

  6. You all looked like you had a blast camping! We sure love to go camping too as it's so much fun.
    Love your new penny rug ~ how cute!


  7. Looks like such a fun time. I LOVE that penny rug - can you share the pattern??? It is too cute.

  8. Awww, look at those water dogs! I was one when I was a tike... lol. Great fun!
    Wonderful penny rug gal, pretty :) I love all lillies, they're so pretty.



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