Friday, June 28, 2013

"Little Samplings" and "Gooseberry Patch"!!!!

I am so thrilled to find out that some pictures of the old farmhouse that we are remodeling in WV and
a few pictures of my decor here in my Va. home are going to be featured in Barbara Rice's new book "Little Samplings" . I am so excited and so humbled to be a part of this wonderful book. There will be 22
featured homes in this book. Barbara is also the author of several books and the "Olden Days magazine".
Reserve your copy now, as there will only be a limited no.of these books published.

I also received my copy of this years Gooseberry Patch Christmas book that I  have a recipe featured in,
this will be my fifth cookbook from Gooseberry Patch that I have a recipe in! And I am thrilled about this as well. I love Gooseberry Patch cookbooks, besides having yummy recipes they have the most beautiful covers, I think that is one reason that I love them so much!!


  1. Congrats Lucia, how great is that, your home is wonderful, so cozy.......Love Gooseberry Patch books, Blessings Francine.

  2. Congrats. on both publications Lecia. Love wandering thru Barbara Rice books and Gooseberry Patch cookbooks, I have many of the cookbooks. Tickled pink for you.

  3. How wonderful friend.
    Woohoooo you go girl.
    Woolie Blessings

  4. What wonderful news! I love their cookbooks! Way to go!

  5. WHOOOHOOO!!! Congrats!!! my friend! most wonderful honors! OLM

  6. A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS...goodness what a special honor.
    I shall search out the book!

  7. Wow Lecia! How awesome and exciting! YAY! ~*~Lisa

  8. Congrats, Lecia! I love Gooseberry books too and I love the cover on the new one. Congrats on the Barbara Rice book are on a roll! :) --Jan


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