Sunday, June 23, 2013

Awesome Swap!

I am not quite sure how long I have been blogging but it has been a few years now. My very first swap ever was with  Tammy "North Carolina Primitives from the Past" since then we have become very good friends and do a swap with each other at least once a year. Tammy has been such an inspiration to me, and was
always encouraging me and helping me with my crafting. I feel like I probably wouldn't have ever
tried making a bonnet without Tammy backing me up and being my cheerleader. Then I started branching
out and making more things.
Tammy is so talented and constantly spoils me with her primitive creations! One of the things I have planned
 on my bucket list is to meet Tammy in person one day! The first thing I want to do is give her a big hug!
Now I will share pictures of the wonderful goodies that Tammy made me. Thank you Tammy, I love everything so much, but most of all I cherish our friendship!!!

Look how Tammy has everything wrapped so lovely!

Wonderful beeskep, watermelon/crow, School daze doll, hook and pods

Wonderful Civil War Sam!, he is really awesome!!!


  1. Great items, I am going to tackle the bonnets this winter starting with what looks to be a simple one (if there is one) see if I can accomplish that.

  2. What a wonderful friendship you have ~ it would be nice to meet some of our blogging buddies in person. Lovely swap goodies you got! Enjoy!
    Prim Blessings

  3. Oh my goodness,Just love You desrve to be spoiled.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. Oh my gosh! Tammy spoiled your rotten - I adore your Civil War Sam!

  5. Lecia,
    I am so glad you like your swap goodies from me.I love everything you sent to me!You are so sweet and your sweet comments about me had me in tears.You are a wonderful friend to me!I can't wait until we get to meet!Thanks again for swapping with me and for being my friend!Tammy

  6. Great creative goodies! Tammy certainly is talented! Enjoy your goodies! ---Jan

  7. Oh my goodness you are fortunate to have a friend like that...I have one too from blogging but fortunately I did get to finally meet her. You will too one day.
    What wonderful items were packed in that box.

  8. Very nice swap items and it is nice to have those cherished pals! I think you are a great crafter, and I enjoy seeing your posts.
    Have a great day.


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