Saturday, May 11, 2013

Wonderful Swap Goodies!

Margie "Hungry Hook Primitives"  and I had our own private swap. If you don't know Margie she
makes the most beautiful hooked rugs. She also sells wool that she dyes, which is beautiful.
She is so talented and has tutorials about hooking rugs. If you don't know Margie please check out
her blog. Not only is she talented but such a sweet wonderful person!

She was going to send me a hooked candle mat, and some of her beautiful wool.
Well the hooked rug is such a nice size that I think I will hang it on the wall and the wool
looks so pretty stacked that I hate to cut it for penny rugs, but am dreaming of the
beautiful penny rugs that could be made with it.
She also surprised me by sending me some other things. Margie certainly spoiled me.
 Thank you Margie for swapping with me, I love everything sooooo much!!!!
I admire your wonderful talent!!!! I want to learn to hook rugs one day, it is on my bucket list,
but for now I will just ooohhh and aahhh over Margie's hooked rugs.

Everything is wrapped and packed in this beautiful bag.

Look at this beautiful sheep hooked rug with flowers, it is awesome!

Such beautiful pieces of wool, for me to make penny rugs, Love the colors!

Wonderful Americana bunny! Love his nail arms.

Love the stacking boxes and primitive towel!


  1. Oh my, what wonderful goodies you received, lucky gal....talented lady Margie is......Happy Mothers Day, Francine.

  2. Such wonderful things! Gotta love talented friends you can swap with!
    Be blessed,

  3. What a fun box from Margie! She is such a sweet heart! I have swapped with her a couple of times, most wonderful goodies! hugs! OLM

  4. Oh what a fun swap...I've been on the receiving end of Margies generosity and was so delighted with her gifts...YOURS ARE WONDERFUL! What a sweet hooked rug...I'd hang it too.


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