Monday, May 20, 2013

I need your prayers!

Hi friends, I have been so busy, working my two jobs and with my mom. But mom is finally home so
things are getting better for her. I am usually quiet about things I am going though and keep it to myself,
but I need your prayers for me to have strength and for my daughter. She battles "Diabulemia"
She struggles with this every day. She will do good for awhile and then relapse again. This has been off and on for ten years now. I just wish sometimes I would to to sleep and never wake up. I don't know what to do any more. I have prayed and prayed and begged and begged God for her deliverance.
And to make it worse she has no insurance, so overall help is out of the question.
I just feel so helpless setting back and watching my daughter slowly die, but that is what I feel like I am doing. And I know she honestly can't help it as crazy as it may sound, it is really a mental disorder.
And it doesn't just effect her it effects the whole family.
Just wanted to get it off my chest. But I will never stop praying and trusting that one day this will be over,
and some way somehow she can help others going through the same battle.


  1. Sending up extra prayers.I know it's hard watching someone you love make what seems like a senseless choice destroying their life and health.It's good you understand the impulse is mental and not something she wants to actually do.Keep praying and loving her unconditionally.Look into some mental help that maybe charges on a sliding scale as well.Big Hugs for you sweet friend!~Amy

  2. My Dear Lucia, will keep you and your Daughter in my prayers, stay strong my friend, we are here for you, Hugs Francine.

  3. We will definitely had you, your daughter and your entire family to our prayer list. I cannot begin to imagine the trials you are going through, and pray that our Lord will give you the strength to face the day to day struggles.

  4. Good Morning Friend
    I am so sorry you and your family are going though this.
    But you've surely come to the right place.
    As we will all join and pray for your beautiful daughter.
    Praying for you also my friend.
    May God strengthen you and fill you with His comforting Love.
    Giant hugs to you.

  5. extra big hugs and prayers for you and your family

  6. Sending Prayers to you and your daughter and a Big Hug to you. Sorry to hear this!

  7. Praying for you and your daughter... I have never heard of this affliction and have learned something new already this morning. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers... stay strong and keep the faith....

  8. sending many (((hugs))) and prayers your way! Our family has been dealing with some difficult things as well and my son is getting ready to deploy to Afghanistan now, but through it all we just have to keep our faith up, hard as it is at times and know that others care. I will keep your precious daughter in my thoughts and prayers Lecia and you as well, stay strong!

  9. Dear Lecia, I cannot imagine what you are going through as a mother. Please stay strong and prayerful as God does hear our prayers. I wish that I could help take away the pain and hurt for all of you. I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  10. Lecia ~ so sorry to hear you and your daughter have been going through this. Many thoughts and prayers being sent your way.
    {{Big Hugs}}

  11. Lecia,so sorry for the struggles that you and your family are having to go through.Please know that I am praying for you all.Big hugs,Jen

  12. I'm so sorry you and your family have to deal with this. I can't even imagine. Please know I will keep you all in my prayers.

  13. Sending you and your family my prayers.
    Big hug,

  14. I am so sorry to hear about your daughter, sending lots of prayers your way!

  15. So sorry to hear this. Please feel free to share things. It is best to have support when you are dealing with these things.Sending hugs and prayers. ~Sara

  16. Lecia, I'm sorry Steph is struggling with this and that you are going though it too. Thoughts and prayers go out to you both. If I can help, please let me know.
    Big hugs~Jean

  17. Lecia, I will keep you and Steph in my prayers. I know how hard it is to watch your children deal with things that we feel like we have no control over. And I too have a situation where I have been praying for God's deliverance. Sometimes we lose hope but we have to keep our eyes on Jesus not on our circumstances. I often remind myself that God loves my child more than I do, thats hard to understand but so true.. You are a dear and precious friend to many and truly loved. Please know we love and care about you.
    PS thank you for caring about us here in Oklahoma I appreciate your prayers for us.

  18. It is difficult when someone you know is going through such impossible times but when it is your child, well, it is heartbreaking. You are eons ahead of many others in that you really understand that it is not a choice. Just love her and the kids. Give all your worries over to God. Only He can divine the direction of our lives. He will take care of Steph. I agree with Prairie Rose. God loves her more than anyone else can. You are on my prayer list, Lecia. Big hugs....


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