Saturday, April 20, 2013

Miss Florence came to my house today!

I was thrilled to be the lucky winner of  "Primitives By Olde Lady Morgan"  giveaway.

 Florence is quite adorable, and she is wearing the cutest little baby shoe. 

Marie also sent along the cutest bunny.  As you know Marie is one talented artist and has

had many of her dolls shown on "Prims" magazine. So I am honored and thrilled to be

able to give  Florence a good home. Thank you Marie, I love my new prims. And most of

all thank you for being a wonderful friend.

If you don't know Marie please stop by her blog and tell her hello.


  1. Oh my, I think so many of us prim girls was hoping Ms. Florence would come to dwell in our homes as well. But It sure looks like she is happy and content in your home. You were a lucky lady to get one of Marie's originals. Enjoy your new friend. Have a blessed Sunday.

  2. I'm sure Florence will love her new home!

  3. How adorable! You are so lucky.

  4. She is totally adorable! So glad that you won Florence :)

  5. Morning, oh she is prim perfect, lucky gal to have such a good home, :). Marie is so talented, love her treasures.....Blessings Francine.

  6. I am so glad she got to come and live with you! I know she will be every happy! thank you for all your kind words on my creations! You are a doll!!!! hugs! OLM

  7. I'm sure you will give Florence a very good home. Congrats to you!
    Hugs :)

  8. Congrats Lecia! Maries prim dollies are so cool. Have a wonderful week ~*~Lisa (love your header & springy background!)

  9. Congrats on your win. I know she will be very happy in her new home.


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