Monday, April 1, 2013

Check out my Early Work Mercantile Listings

I would love for you to check out my "Early Work Mercantile" listings this month.

Also when I was taking pictures of my swap thing fromSara "Salmon Fall Prims"

I didn't show a very good picture of this cute beeswax ornie that Sara gave me, it is a bunny

riding a chicken. I just thought it was so adorable. I love him, she also sent a lamb one and

pantry cake that I love. Thank you Sara.

I hope everyone had a blessed Easter, we attended Easter Sunrise Service, which

is always such a blessing to me and had breakfast afterwards. Then my Daughter had

us over for dinner, my SIL's parents were there and we had a wonderful time.

I really enjoy giving my grandchildren their little gifts for Easter, I just found pretty

Easter gift bags with cute handles to put their goodies in this year. I had to give Jake his

gift early since he was spending Easter with his mom. But wanted to show pictures

of them opening their gifts.
My son Luke, and my little Jake

My Cole Cole

And Miss Riley



  1. Your family is beautiful Lecia! All smiles-my mom did the gift bags for the kids too-great minds! Love your new offerings at Early Work! The bunny couple is just awesome ~*~Lisa

  2. How wonderful your kids look, so cute.....Glad you had a wonderful all your goodies you made....Blessings Francine.

  3. Great blessings and so cute too!! Your stuff you made rocks!! You are pretty good at it!! Thanks for sharing!! XOXO Love Fran.


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